• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Hai :3


I'm New Here
I play on the CS:GO server all the time, its the only server I play on other than for ranked..

Anyways, figured I would make a forum account and try to be more involved since I enjoy the servers and player base~


DARKLY Regular
Hello, and welcome to the Darkly Forums Zimuus ! You will love it here, many great and friendly members here! Just like the ones that just welcomed you here! We hope you enjoy your stay here, and hope to see you in-game! (Even tho I suck at CS:GO, I go on sometimes ;D) Also, I just noticed your pic, and I was like :spitting: :fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap: :notbad: :D (by the way, talking about Steam Pic, not forums. Forum picture looks cute)


TD Admin
Have a magnificent day, challenge yourself, Stay awesome and remember to drink without limits!
Hope you enjoy the game and the community.


TD Admin
Why do i feel like there's a bunch of fairies and happy dust floating around o.o its freaking me out.

But welcome zimus, see you playing a lot in the server, hope you enjoy the forums as well. :poop: