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Guess who's turning 21 today!?!


TD Admin
It's BJ!

Yup, he's now officially old enough to gamble and drink and smoke in the US.

Say happy birthday to him and buy him some pr0n!

Happy Birthday Bucky Jr.!


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Narf always lies about ages on these things... he said I was 36 lol...

I think BJ is older than 21, I THINK :P ... I'll say 23 or 24


TD Admin
Narf always lies about ages on these things... he said I was 36 lol...

I think BJ is older than 21, I THINK :P ... I'll say 23 or 24
Well, shit, you *look* 36.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
happy bday BJ !!!

he does look old as shit, like 25


TD Admin
Narf always lies about ages on these things... he said I was 36 lol...

I think BJ is older than 21, I THINK :P ... I'll say 23 or 24
Well, shit, you *look* 36.
his asshole looks 36. that things got a lot of mileage on it.