Google Glass Preview Video


TD Member
aww ye dat amateur porn, but can it hook into a printer?
if not then its just

not gonna lie I want one


TD Admin / Wanker
That's looks really cool actually

I'm really not surprised that the first thing you think of is the benefits for porn..


TD Member
I predict the end product will be completely fucking useless when it's not using about half a dozen Google services.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
So it's Siri, but for google. And you'll need mobile-rape-cost internet, not to mention 38 accounts, all of which require a shitload of personal information which will be sold, and re-sold, to millions of bullshit agencies that will VoiP-rape-call you non-stop and e-mail you non-stop to circumvent any Canadian privacy laws.



TD Member
So it's Siri, but for google. And you'll need mobile-rape-cost internet, not to mention 38 accounts, all of which require a shitload of personal information which will be sold, and re-sold, to millions of bullshit agencies that will VoiP-rape-call you non-stop and e-mail you non-stop to circumvent any Canadian privacy laws.



OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
BJ feels the google ass rape.
I feel the general "Information heist" goin on... lately, I've gone through my email accounts, hoping to leave only one last one. And I can't even begin to describe the number of ad agencies that have a hold of a lot of information. Some emails use my real name, others like Belmont Cigarettes (wtf?!?) had my cell #... I was stunned. I never do surveys, nothing.

It was a reality check for me. So now I'm trying to erase/close down a lot of things. I just wish I could delete Facebook - that's the ultimate whore. Other than my name and some pics, nothing is real on there, but still...


TD Member
It's the price we pay for the conveniences. I don't think there's any 100% trusted third party left out there. If you're using a web-based service, someone has to pay for the server running that service to be up. Someone has to pay for the people maintaining and updating that server. I tend to block all ads everywhere, so I know that's denying a third party my share of the revenue to pay for the cost of the service and that leaves my data as the only means to pay for it, if it can be monetized.


I'm New Here
I heard about Google Glass ages ago when it was still just a concept and I thought it sounded awesome. I dont know if I would be able to get it when it first comes out, but with all technology, in time the price will drop and the mass market will have it available.

I sincerely hope that when it does get released, someone, somewhere, has the sense to do a Star Trek endorsed Geordi La Forge visor to satisfy my inner Trekkie.
And there better be a Dragon Ball Z power reader app, or they are seriously missing a trick lol