BC2 is slightly less bulshit than CSS. i dont mean gameplay and mechanics you cant even compare them. BC2 is more modern with all the latest shit that shooters need to be competitive. if someone pitched CS today to a board of some game company the conversation would go something like this
seller "well its a simple shooter where you earn money by killing and by guns."
marketing fuckheads " ok whats the hook"
seller "well it works"
marketers "next"
CSS dosnt look good and wouldnt sell to todays consol faggotry but its too old for me and all i see anymore are the flaws. i will never say CSS isnt good and BC2 isnt as good of a game. just slightly less bulshit happens.
You can call BC2 "Modern" and rag on CSS all you like but CS has been around since BEFORE battlefield, and to this day defines "competitive shooter." Go to any lan and you're likely to find a CS tournament. Sure it has a simple premise, the other guys are bad you need to kill them, kills = money, money = guns, but it's a tried and true formula. I personally prefer it over all those bullshit perks and having to "unlock" guns. CS puts everyone on a level playing field, everything is available to you the only thing that matters is how much in game money you have/are willing to spend. CS has been around for over a decade now and still maintains a large community.
If you only care about graphics then you're doomed to a horrible and unfulfillable game life. CSS still sells in today's market, I can name off 3 people, who I know in person, who recently bought it. Besides I wouldn't depend on a bunch of "gamers" who go out and buy every iteration of HALO and MW to tell me what a "good" game is anyways :P
I'll agree that a lot of bullshit happens, CS is one of those games that IMO fits between Unreal and Red Orchestra type shooters. It's frantic, yet it requires teamwork and strategy. I've always had this hate/love relationship with CS, some rounds I'll be glad I can take several rounds to various parts of my body and still play, whilst other rounds I'll rage about how an AK47 round at point blank would go through body armor. CS is it's own type of game that requires a lot of play time to get used to, much less to be decent at.
That's just my opinion though :3