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Global Warming

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Former TD Member
The media is fucking retarded anyways, anyone who believes something said to them without understanding anything about it should not be able to voice an opinion.

Further more, the main reason why the media is around is to keep people in a state of concern, in a state that which they cannot really think for themselves. In the far future, what they will want is all information traded will be information that is mandated by those who can keep society in a state they can work the best with.

I'm not getting into this in to much depth, there is a vast amount of information out there, unfortunately with the internet you need to be able to filter out that which is bullshit and that which is actually correct.


TD Admin
One of the reasons I do NOT have a TV (the other will be the commercials - fcking hate them).

If I need to see movies - Blockbuster and Internet :D.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i did not watch the video or read the comments. but i say this on behalf of all ppl in canada and russia: "global warming, hurry up!!!"


Former TD Member
did u guys even watch the movie?

Good documentary, although even within their cross analysis they have inconsistencies. However, that is due to the lack of scientific abundance at the time of testing and statistical gathering.

All in all though, very good!
Thanks for the vid!

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Pretty interesting facts. But I don't think global warming ever was the Apocalypse everyone thought. I think the real crisis lies in our food production and our garbage production. These two things are already spelling doom for Humans globally. We need to consume less and stop giving in to junk that we really don't need.


TD Admin | Bacon
"I'm trying to watch my weight, ill take a 6" veggy please"
&quot:oh and extra mayo please"

Oh crap, do i feel like writing a small novel here? No.
Global warming is mostly bs, spin doctoring that's all.
But for what purpose you ask? Here's the novel part, so I'll keep it real brief:

We are running out of oil.

(you fill in the rest).


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
did anyone notice that stephan dion was in this movie.....or atleast a gay look alike....or atleast gayer lookalike
Don't have the time to watch that vid, but I knew about how BS GW was a few years ago, now I'd like to think something good can come of this but that depends on who is really benefiting from the lies.

Ie... if GW can curtail the usage of oil and push alternative energies then fuck yeah go with it, if the end result is benificial for the planet I don't care if it's a lie or not.
[quote1234111384=TD|night blade]
Don't have the time to watch that vid, but I knew about how BS GW was a few years ago, now I'd like to think something good can come of this but that depends on who is really benefiting from the lies.

Ie... if GW can curtail the usage of oil and push alternative energies then fuck yeah go with it, if the end result is benificial for the planet I don't care if it's a lie or not.

You hit the nail on the head NB, nice conclusion, that's exactly what GW is all about.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
It's not ALL bullshit. The truest realities of "Global Warming" are the simplest realities, and no one can really deny them:

a ) The Earth is protected by a layer of Ozone, O3 (3 Oxygen atoms together in a molecule).

b ) CO2 somehow chemically reacts with ozone to oxidize it (losing electrons) so it changes from O3 to O2. You'd think that this is good, but it's not. With no ozone, harmful sun rays enter our atmosphere and air, and it's killing our planet.

c ) We produce too much CO2.

This is the basis for the "Global Warming" theory, minus all the red-tape, political endeavours that lie behind it all. So I say that the theory itself, is correct, but I don't blame Keiran and Mike for understanding the motive behind the use of the theory to deal with the oil crysis.


Staff member
first off that movie is old, it says it's from 2007? a lot of shit has happened since then.

junkscience.com has a lot more real history and stats on this.


TD Member
We are running out of oil.

Globally, yes, we are indeed running out of oil.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
[quote1234281238=OG buckshot jr]
It's not ALL bullshit. The truest realities of "Global Warming" are the simplest realities, and no one can really deny them:

a ) The Earth is protected by a layer of Ozone, O3 (3 Oxygen atoms together in a molecule).

b ) CO2 somehow chemically reacts with ozone to oxidize it (losing electrons) so it changes from O3 to O2. You'd think that this is good, but it's not. With no ozone, harmful sun rays enter our atmosphere and air, and it's killing our planet.

c ) We produce too much CO2.

This is the basis for the "Global Warming" theory, minus all the red-tape, political endeavours that lie behind it all. So I say that the theory itself, is correct, but I don't blame Keiran and Mike for understanding the motive behind the use of the theory to deal with the oil crysis.

True, but what you said about CO2 is contradicted in this documentary because they say its not possible for us create enough CO2 to affect the planet on that large a scale. The Oil theory is making most sense to me.


Former TD Member
There are larger issues that people should concern themselves with rather then this.

Reasons why peeps should concern themselves with "global warming":

A. Isn't happening.
B. IF it were to happen, if something changed the process would take thousands of years to make an significant effect.
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