

TD Admin
anyone encounter a glitch where a partially transparent teleporting enemy comes flying around the corner, you shoot not realising what's happening, and as you stop shooting the guy who's ghost you just saw comes around the corner and kills you instantly like he saw you when his "ghost" saw you, and started shooting then? this all happens in about the same amount of time it takes an average person to react and fire of 2-5 shots, which isn;t very long... is this a rate problem, or lag?


Staff member
Yea I have seen it as well, it fucks me up sometimes too, I'll shoot the ghost rather then the person.

Not really a rate issue, I've seen it on other servers as well.


TD Admin / Wanker
This may be similar to something I experienced the other day on CS:GO.
I just died and started speccing a bot, and pressed e to play as said bot, but when I pressed e, my camera angle was so messed up.
It was like I was 10 feet tall, or constantly floating in the air. All the other players were really short compared to where the camera angle was showing where my character was.
I think it showed up as normal for other people though seeing as no one else mentioned it.


Future Ban List Occupant
Cock actually did this shit to me in cs_office front stairwell - his flying shotgun gayness


TD Admin
yeah there was a thread on steam somewhere talking about this glitch. cant find it now.
Feel bad whenever it happens. Valve gives everyone free hacks.