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2012 Troll of the Year
I've since contracted a graphic artist for doing a CRAZY TD logo, incorporating a deagle (but not obvious, dummies don't know what TD is) and probably going to print on some high-end hoodies (not $1.25 cheapo t-shirts)

It won't be cheap, thus, I'm not making them for the masses (you can have one if you'd like)

There is a problem however, I slept with said graphic artist, so she will probably add all sorts of complexity to it.


TD Admin
When you say 'she', you really mean he

and when you say 'graphic artist', you really mean street-walker

and when you say 'add complexity', you really mean man-jergens stains on a hoodie

In all serialness, the idea sounds cool. I would want to see the design n clothes before I would buy tho...I bet she is a real ug-mo of a woman if she hopped on your std laced body


Staff member
As long as it has Toronto Darkly on the shirt and NOT just TD.

TD= bank and we will be laughed at if we have just that in the logo.


TD Member
I've since contracted a graphic artist for doing a CRAZY TD logo, incorporating a deagle (but not obvious, dummies don't know what TD is) and probably going to print on some high-end hoodies (not $1.25 cheapo t-shirts)

It won't be cheap, thus, I'm not making them for the masses (you can have one if you'd like)

There is a problem however, I slept with said graphic artist, so she will probably add all sorts of complexity to it.


My fiance is a graphic designer... methinks Leroy is in for a beating, no?

Edit: should seriosuly think about setting up a line of TD gear. Start small, and if the stuff moves then diversify. Hoodies and caps are the way to go in my opinion.

I know there are lots of places in E-town that can produce the stuff and I would think the same could be said of Toronto.


2012 Troll of the Year
Well, I'm not doing it to make a fortune, but I do have buddies who own boardshops, so thats a potential outlet.

cock of fur, good idea on the darkly.

hey I have a fucking serious question, what the hell is a darkly?


2012 Troll of the Year
yeah, see thats dope, but I'm trying to avoid the cheesy t-shirt, something nice, not camp. like pro-fit or underarmour material, all weather shit.

Hard to explain


Staff member
we could do Zazzle.ca I've used them before they are prettty good and have a ton of other shit. Besides shirts/hoodies
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