✪JayMh ᴰᴳᴺ
I'm New Here
Hello My name is Juan Mejia or on steam JayMh I am doing this "Get to know me" Because i want the people in the staff to know more about me i am a regular on the darkly Tf2 Server and i love the server,staff and community in it but enough about the sever.
Time to tell you about me, So i am a 18 year old guy from California and i love playing pc games like tf2,csgo,bf3,bf4 etc and i love doing this i usually spend a couple hours a day on the darkly server having fun and getting to know people. I am a chill back person who loves to try to help the server out with chat spams, spy crabs etc.
Some people i love playing and talking with on the server are Fearthelderly aka fear, Tankclash, Civord and kandi. and i would love to be a part of that and the server and help the server.
I am capable of following rules and enforcing them without abusing them of course and i just want to make this to let you guys know about me and how i feel about the server. Well i hope you see some potential in me and i hope you enjoy your day or night!
Time to tell you about me, So i am a 18 year old guy from California and i love playing pc games like tf2,csgo,bf3,bf4 etc and i love doing this i usually spend a couple hours a day on the darkly server having fun and getting to know people. I am a chill back person who loves to try to help the server out with chat spams, spy crabs etc.
Some people i love playing and talking with on the server are Fearthelderly aka fear, Tankclash, Civord and kandi. and i would love to be a part of that and the server and help the server.
I am capable of following rules and enforcing them without abusing them of course and i just want to make this to let you guys know about me and how i feel about the server. Well i hope you see some potential in me and i hope you enjoy your day or night!