1 ) No one here gets paid. The great people that play here/run the show pay to have this place and its servers run.
2 ) After so many years and working so hard, a lot of us have access to Darkly from our phones, work computers etc. So yes, we try to
always be available, should someone need our help.
3 ) Darkly is no longer just Toronto-based. Yes, the main servers and website are hosted here, and it all started here, but we have many American members, many European members and world-wide. Darkly knows no bounds, mate, only growth, like Herpes.
4 ) Then you got guys like me, that for the last little while, have been working from home - and we all know I'm not working my whole time lol So I come here, shoot the shit, ban who I need to, and help whoever else needs it.
![:D :D :D](http://darklygaming.com/images/004.png)