Gaming Laptops


TD Member
Alright, ladies...

I'm moving to Europe come September and unfortunately, my PC won't be coming with me.
I don't have the space or money to buy a new desktop once I'm there and mostly because I will be constantly flying back and forth between Europe and Canada.

This leaves me the option for a gaming laptop.

I don't want something big and fancy and extremely expensive because it will be tossed onto planes often.

I currently already own a Mac Book Pro (yes, it's a mac, stfu, I don't care. It works great for what I need it for.) but obviously, not all games are made for Apple.

What do you fine gentlemen recommend?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I recommend you put a copy of Windows on your Mac and game from there. Any laptop with a half-ass decent video card will be $600-800+, and will perform just as your Macbook Pro will.

This will cost you: $0. "Get" your copy of Windows 7, and boot camp is already on your machine under Utilities. Thanks to Apple's OSX (and up) using GUID partition schemes, you can make space on your hard-drive for a Windows Partition without touching the current Mac side of things.

Note: Do not save anything valuable on your Windows side - if you do, back it up daily. I've seen instances, for example when upgrading from OSX to Snow Leopard, where the Windows side of the hard-drive was just totally fucked in order for the Mac side to complete the upgrade.

Enjoy :D <- This is still the gayest, most childish TF2 set of icons I've ever seen. /rant.


Staff member
I hope you have 10.6.8 already, or get it soon.

What kind of MacBook Pro do you have? 15"? 13"?
13" ones are useless for gaming, lack of video card and such.

Either then that +1 to what BJ said, just use BootCamp and install Windows


TD Member
I recommend you put a copy of Windows on your Mac and game from there. Any laptop with a half-ass decent video card will be $600-800+, and will perform just as your Macbook Pro will.

This will cost you: $0. "Get" your copy of Windows 7, and boot camp is already on your machine under Utilities. Thanks to Apple's OSX (and up) using GUID partition schemes, you can make space on your hard-drive for a Windows Partition without touching the current Mac side of things.

Note: Do not save anything valuable on your Windows side - if you do, back it up daily. I've seen instances, for example when upgrading from OSX to Snow Leopard, where the Windows side of the hard-drive was just totally fucked in order for the Mac side to complete the upgrade.

Enjoy :D <- This is still the gayest, most childish TF2 set of icons I've ever seen. /rant.

I'm a little skeptical about putting any kind of torrent/modification on my mac. I seriously need that shit to be working like 10/10 on a daily basis and I have a fear that shit will start fucking up on me if I do that.
Although, I really do like the idea of just having one computer...
Still a bit wary.


TD Member
I hope you have 10.6.8 already, or get it soon.

What kind of MacBook Pro do you have? 15"? 13"?
13" ones are useless for gaming, lack of video card and such.

Either then that +1 to what BJ said, just use BootCamp and install Windows

My pro is still running on 10.6.8 and will never EVER go up until it is forced upon me by torture :D

But it's a 13" :(


Staff member
mandy Go to the Apple Menu (top left) and tell us the Processor/RAM

CSS will work on most 13" MacBook Pro's even CS:GO on low. I doubt thats the only thing you will want to play.

You probably have a Nvidia GeForce 9400M in it if it's old enough to have 10.6.8 on it. Still sucks.
I have an i5 with 10.6.8 on it, fuck 10.7/10.8 - Apple now hates all professionals.
The built in HD 3000 / HD 4000 are better then the older 9400M/320M :awyeah:

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
What's the beef on 10.7/10.8? I'm running 10.8.2 and I absolutely love it. Rock solid, works with all of my apps (new and old), and my God has the speed improved... ? (Honest question, since I don't know any better/have not researched it).


TD Admin
How long r u going for?

A gamin laptop will be as much or more than a desktop equivalent in most cases. Just bring a monitor with u then buy a premade box from a shop for $500 and there ya go


TD Member
How long r u going for?

A gamin laptop will be as much or more than a desktop equivalent in most cases. Just bring a monitor with u then buy a premade box from a shop for $500 and there ya go

Err well I'm LIVING there until I go broke I suppose? Which hopefully will never happen.

I plan on buying a desktop PC eventually... just not for at least a year.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3