dead mike TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King Aug 9, 2011 #21 downloadin
iCe TD Admin Aug 9, 2011 #22 too many characters.... im in middle of second book and am like who are these people
.44 caliber TD Admin Aug 9, 2011 #28 I am fuckin loving the tv show right now. Feel like i might be spoiling it for myself if i decide to read the books tho.
I am fuckin loving the tv show right now. Feel like i might be spoiling it for myself if i decide to read the books tho.
commander abdul Aug 9, 2011 #29 Books are always better.. I just finished and was looking for something new. This was one of two series I was considering :P
Books are always better.. I just finished and was looking for something new. This was one of two series I was considering :P
TurboTaco TD Admin Aug 9, 2011 #30 i regret watching all of season 1 as I now have to wait a year before all of season 2 is released