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Staff member

Can you legally arrest someone? No
Can you detain someone and wait for the cops(AKA: citizen arrest)? Yes

You're a security guard with a fancy title.

Actually, Education is used too much these days for people that like to become know-it-all, and then begin to exert holier-than-thou attitudes.
The good ol' "everyone who's educated is a snob!!"

So tell me why can you have a biased view but iCe can't??
I spy with my little eye....... a double standard!!

Why do it now? Why waste time *Which I have none* and money *Which I have none* learning the stuff that I don't need at this time and possibly for the next year or so?
procrastination is the thief of time.

Only real education you need is to be able to read, speak, write, eat, shit, sleep, and breathe. Anything and everything either comes by or is supplementary.
If you're set up that's cool, but don't push the rest of us around for it.
Education is very important, you're clearly too young to realize that.


TD Admin
lol Jakk sorry but for me and that liberal (COF <3) to agree on something dumb like this your wrong.


2011 Troll of the Year
Actually, Education is used too much these days for people that like to become know-it-all, and then begin to exert holier-than-thou attitudes. :) What I know is fine by me, I really couldn't care, nor would half the population for what you might know, because that's your tool of the trade. Only real education you need is to be able to read, speak, write, eat, shit, sleep, and breathe. Anything and everything either comes by or is supplementary. I'm talking about post-education, not the basics, yet, its those basics that could set me up for Law Enforcement, which THEN will need me to go study. Why do it now? Why waste time *Which I have none* and money *Which I have none* learning the stuff that I don't need at this time and possibly for the next year or so?

I'm not sure about where you're from but most people I run into with college degrees don't carry around with them an attitude of intellectual superiority. Most college grads I meet also didn't go into their undergraduate program because they wanted to feel smart but because they wanted a career in a field that normally requires a degree.

As a computer programmer I need to know how to do more than read, speak, write, eat, shit, sleep, and breathe. I need to know about algorithm analysis and design, I need to know about semantics and syntax of programming languages, multi-threaded programming, and networking. The list of wonderful things I learned about as a student goes on and on. Replace computer programmer with any other field someone might get into and there's a long list of topics that are necessary for them to be educated about in order to truly understand their field.

Of course in some situations you can just learn a skill simply through experience but these opportunities aren't easy to come by especially once you start getting into the more technical positions.

Is college valuable for you? Maybe not. Is it valuable for other people? Most certainly.


Future Ban List Occupant
I have a University Degree, so does that mean I get to pick fights with everyone here? :) and if I complete my MBA do I then get to pick a fight with myself too?
