my monitor croaked out of the blue yesterday and i learned that bad capacitors are a big problem with samsung monitors 214T,204T,226BW,225BW. they're pretty popular so i assume at least one of you is using one. apparently, samsung used a bunch of chingchong caps in the power inverters of these units and they're known to blow like the seagull that drank coke with a mentos chaser.
so i opened my monitor up, or rather, beat the shit out of it with screwdrivers and gardening equipment until i broke enough clips to bust it open and sure enough a cap shot its load.
fortunately the solution is as easy as getting new caps and soldering them in. so yeah, if your samsung shits itself you might be able to save it for $4 and an hour of your time instead of tossing it and forking out 30x as much for a new one.
so i opened my monitor up, or rather, beat the shit out of it with screwdrivers and gardening equipment until i broke enough clips to bust it open and sure enough a cap shot its load.
fortunately the solution is as easy as getting new caps and soldering them in. so yeah, if your samsung shits itself you might be able to save it for $4 and an hour of your time instead of tossing it and forking out 30x as much for a new one.