fucking samsung

my monitor croaked out of the blue yesterday and i learned that bad capacitors are a big problem with samsung monitors 214T,204T,226BW,225BW. they're pretty popular so i assume at least one of you is using one. apparently, samsung used a bunch of chingchong caps in the power inverters of these units and they're known to blow like the seagull that drank coke with a mentos chaser.

so i opened my monitor up, or rather, beat the shit out of it with screwdrivers and gardening equipment until i broke enough clips to bust it open and sure enough a cap shot its load.

fortunately the solution is as easy as getting new caps and soldering them in. so yeah, if your samsung shits itself you might be able to save it for $4 and an hour of your time instead of tossing it and forking out 30x as much for a new one.


TD Member
take pics lets see how this little project gose. :) gl i tried to soder a new wire into my $90 headphones that come with a -50 cent wire on them after it craped out on me. i hope your diy electronic repair works out better


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
cord is the achilles heel in headphones

edit: because u get up and walk with headphones on. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
yeah it works great now, glad it was just something as simple as replacing capacitors. hardest part was actually taking the plastic casing apart. didnt take any during or after shots, pretty boring really, the parts in the monitor are simple and modular so it was easy to get the problem board out and only took 30 min to take out the bad caps and solder the good ones in, and that's being kind of a soldering noob myself.


see the one on the right there is bulging and some shit is leaking out the top of it. i just replaced all the caps because all the original ones from capxcom are shit and samsung put them in a bunch of monitors :X

i know how it goes with headphones. i musta gone through at least a dozen sets of them. i always scream FUCK! so loud when i stand up with them on and my chair hooks the cord and they whip off my head BAM on the wooden floor. it's painful. ive been thinking up a shitload of solutions to the problem. best one i can come up with is attaching an accelerometer to the headphones that sends a signal to electrodes that shock the shit out of me until i learn NEVER TO DO THAT AGAIN