Free TF2 guest pass

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TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I still have a free TF2 guest pass. Its the full game and it gives it to you for a short period of time (1 month i think). Anyone want it? If so give me your steam account and I will send it to you.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
I still have a free TF2 guest pass. Its the full game and it gives it to you for a short period of time (1 month i think). Anyone want it? If so give me your steam account and I will send it to you.

SAME. It came with mine. I have guest pass to give.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
free pass plz........
Ok my free pass is yours. But i still need your steamid chum.


TD Member
i was thinking of buying it... but then again im not in the position to buy anything other than what im saving for :D lol

is it really that good that i should buy it? or can it wait?

ps, i wouldnt mind a free trial either ;) hahaha


TD Admin
game is good cause you really needs to work as a team to pwn, not like cs, cs can win with just 1 person. XD too bad I gave my trail away a while ago to a friend.
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