Forum Issues

Never tell your password to anyone.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Jakk
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Can you log in on the forums?
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: The log in box won't appear for me
DARKLY | Jakk: I'm on the forums.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Damn
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Won't let me log in
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: The box won't appear D:<
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: I tried different browsers already :/
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Are you logged in?
DARKLY | Jakk: Yes.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Dang it
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Can you log out then log back in?
DARKLY | Jakk: Sure in a second.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Did it work? :o
DARKLY | ShootToMaim is now Offline.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim is now Online.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Um Jakk
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Can you post a thread in "Help & Feedback" about the forums issue.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Please
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: The log in box won't appear for me, and when Zackychuu tries to connect, the page keeps loading.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Thanks :D
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Did you make the thread yet? :D
DARKLY | Jakk: I'm busy catching up, and throwing up.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: what the
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: You okay?
DARKLY | Jakk: Yeah I think.
DARKLY | Jakk: The forums are loading very slow.
DARKLY | Jakk: DNS server is down.
DARKLY | Jakk: Testing your problem now.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Zackychuu's problem is resolved.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Forums page loads fine for me, but the log in box is refusing to show up.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: When I click it, the website goes a bit dark
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: But the box never shows up.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: I think it's because of the forums downtime yesterday
DARKLY | Jakk: DNS server is not responding.
DARKLY | Jakk: Let me find a spare PC...
DARKLY | Jakk: Yeah.
DARKLY | Jakk: I think you'll have to wait this out.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Does the DNS server have something to do wtih the login box?
DARKLY | Jakk: Yes.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Barnacles.
DARKLY | Jakk: If the entire forums are slow in responding.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: It isn't though.
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: It loads really quick for me
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: 3 seconds maybe...
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: 2
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: Can you make a thread about it though please?
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: :
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: :D
DARKLY | ShootToMaim: I'll love you forever and ever

Need I say more? I believe it's due to the forums being down earlier, I'm experiencing the same Log in issues, but the forums are horribly slow.


DARKLY Regular
I'll put this here for brades to look at:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strtolower() in /home/darkly/public_html/msi/lib/class_main.php on line 477