Forum avatar issues?


I'm New Here
Hello...Wondering if the forum is having some issues accepting new avatars?

I joined the forums Sunday, just before the site went down for a bit, could this have anything to do with my issue possibly?

Any time I upload an image, it just uses the broken image icon instead of what I have uploaded. I have tested multiple sizes and formats, and multiple images, all no luck.

Thanks for any assistance.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
There are no issues that I am aware of. Are you using the one of the supported files formats for your pictures?

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
You're right, I couldn't upload an image into this post. Maybe it has something to do with the site going down every 5 seconds.


I'm New Here
I have attempted to upload .gif .jpg versions, 200x200 exactly and also other larger sizes. When I hit upload, the dropscreen appears that says the file was uploaded successfully, but the avatar editor only shows the broken icons.

As Shotgun Jesus mentioned above, I cannot even upload to this post as an attachment. Inserting an image also is not working from a remote URL, it gives the same broken image icon.

Link to inserted image:


(error screenshot received during upload attempt in this thread)
Image URL:


I'm New Here
Posted above without refreshing, allowed me to upload one right away.

Thanks for the quick assist!


DARKLY Middleman
You picked an avatar that tries to act like coffee but fails horribly at everything else? :bucoffee: