"Forced" on Steam


DARKLY Regular
Thanks a lot, Ghett0. You're right, it's not really NSFW, but it still looks like I'm googling for "tits" lol
I'm lucky to be the boss and have my own office, but I still have staff and superiors come in to shoot the shit. If my piece of shit DELL freezes I'm fucked lol

Oh, I know. The internet at DND is horribly slow. Whenever anyone complains, it is a reminder that you are not supposed to be using your workstation for anything outside the DND network. We have machines for that. One fuckin idiot contractor I was working with put in a tech support ticket for slow browsing, when we all sign a contract stating we won't browse on our workstations.


Thus, I got a smart phone. We're not supposed to have cell phones on at DND either, but everyone else does it so I figured fuck it. Easier t beg forgiveness than to ask permission.

Oh, and thank you for teaching me how to do NSFW / Spoilers.