TD Admin
strong counterargument
This has been discussed and the stacking is being dealt with . Auto join will not work on this server.
strong counterargument
I dont think any of the very top players of the server team stack deliberately. However there are a lot of very good players that will purposely join sides with those top players to form a stacked team. I also think team balance is not as big as an issue as it was a month to 2 months ago. There was a long period of time a couple months back where teams were always stacked deliberately and it would be very rare to find balanced teams on TD. However for the sake of keeping this idea alive in case the problem becomes an epidemic again, I have this to say:
It seems like this idea will never come into fruition but I think the reasoning behind it is based on the wrong issue. The focus shifted to how hard it can be to balance due to the inconsistency of players and the ability for any player to catch fire. This is true in the same sense that the toronto raptors (a crappy team) may not lose to miami heat (a stacked/elite team) in a game of basketball every time. However 90% of the time, the stacked team will win. To argue that there is a small chance of victory no matter what is a poor way to look at balance. The main issue that sterlingarcher was trying to bring up was that people are stacking teams deliberately at the start of each map which gives that team an insurmountable advantage. The fact that once in a rare while, a stacked team will struggle to win 16-0 or even lose does not counteract the fact that stacked teams win in ridiculous fashion majority of the time.
Forced auto balance is a good way to ensure regulars on the server are not forming stacked teams deliberately. Good players stacking teams is not as big of an issue today as it was back then but still exists occasionally. You can still join today and for 4 maps in a row, the same top 40 players on the server are on the same side. They will most likely dominate for 4 maps in a row but the logic in this thread seems to indicate that that is ok as long as there was a bit of competition 1/10th of the time during those 4 maps.
It will always be stacked.bump for team stacking pussies
Right and will begin to do, but the problem of stalked teams would still exist if they are not admins.
used to it