Got my parts!! Just waiting on tubing, fittings and coolant. Using my Radiator (wow this thing is massive), pump/resevoir and location of cpu/gpu, I have mapped out the tubing, know the lengths and which fittings I need (whether it be 45degree, 90degree etc.). This is why I've ordered the main parts first :)
I'm excited!!!!!
Ordering tubing, fittings and coolant tonight. Once arrived, I'll do good quality videos, descriptions and installation step by step. It will take me a bit of time, but I wanna make this good.Take some pic man! build log with no pic! SUCKS! :P
Sexy pictures
291 Degrees Celsius and the entire thing is still solid?
291 Degrees Celsius and the entire thing is still solid?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. But fuck it, I make good money and this setup will last me a very, very long time.How much did that set up cost you bj?
lol Tough to see, but there's a decimal place there. It's 29.1C.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. But fuck it, I make good money and this setup will last me a very, very long time.
And then next gen gaming hardware for PC's is released making everything else obsolete and inferior.
While this may have been true in the past, we are now in a technological plateau, so to speak. The gaps between generations of processors is small enough not to warrant the cost of upgrading. GPU's, on the other hand, could always be upgraded every couple of years, but I bet I'll have a greater resale value having a 780Ti than most other people will not having a 780Ti. I got a "off the truck" price, so that's why I bought it :)
While this may have been true in the past, we are now in a technological plateau, so to speak. The gaps between generations of processors is small enough not to warrant the cost of upgrading.