Favorite Class?

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DARKLY Regular
I pretty sure this thread has been made before but the first page doesn't seem to have one so I thought I would make one. xD

So anyways what is your favorite class and why?

My favorite would probably be scout. Mostly because of his speed and ability to get where other can't (at least not without hurting themselves). That and panning people out of nowhere is always so satisfying. :D


TD Member
I like to play heavy on any demo map, brass beast, crouching in front of the bomb, lettign it push me.
In any other game type, I will play heavy only if there is someone who actually knows how to play Medic good. If not, I will play Medic for anyone who knows how to play heavy... and again, if not, I will camp and play Engineer. xD


TD Member
I like to play heavy on any demo map, brass beast, crouching in front of the bomb, lettign it push me.
In any other game type, I will play heavy only if there is someone who actually knows how to play Medic good. If not, I will play Medic for anyone who knows how to play heavy... and again, if not, I will camp and play Engineer. xD

you sir, play the exact same way I do.

although I'll throw in some Demoman every now and then


A Little Darkly

Reflecting and getting reflect kills is always satisfying as hell, being able to knock down a fully over-healed heavy with 3 hits where as other classes it takes a ton more time to knock down a heavy.

Flare gun kills are amazing and detonator jumping allows you to make most of your enemies go W.T.F.
Spy checking can be a bit boring but is the better option for when playing with more skilled players, where your ass will be handed to you faster than you can switch weapons when having the Degreaser equipped.

P.S. DatGuy are you the same Dat Guy from the servers or do you play under a different nickname? Asking purely because the first few weeks i hadn't seen anybody under that nickname and for the last like 3 weeks, whoever that user is(whether you or somebody else), has been playing a lot :P


Staff member
Demo > Spy > Engi

I only dead-ringer spy, I like the challenge.

I only engi because no one knows how to properly place transporters, Turrets etc....


TD Member

Reflecting and getting reflect kills is always satisfying as hell, being able to knock down a fully over-healed heavy with 3 hits where as other classes it takes a ton more time to knock down a heavy.

Flare gun kills are amazing and detonator jumping allows you to make most of your enemies go W.T.F.
Spy checking can be a bit boring but is the better option for when playing with more skilled players, where your ass will be handed to you faster than you can switch weapons when having the Degreaser equipped.

P.S. DatGuy are you the same Dat Guy from the servers or do you play under a different nickname? Asking purely because the first few weeks i hadn't seen anybody under that nickname and for the last like 3 weeks, whoever that user is(whether you or somebody else), has been playing a lot :P

in TF2? no.

I haven't played TF2 in ages


TD Admin / Wanker
I love the 4 S's.

Scout and Soldier are pretty even, like you, I love how the Scout can run around faster than everyone else. Also I play a lot of Control Point so the double capture rate is useful for me. Just like with Soldier, I'm pretty decent with the Black Box, and I use the Pain Train to give me the double capture rate for Control Points. :P

Then comes Sniper, It's really satisfying shooting a moving Scout in the head with a random pop shot that you thought would miss. It's also funny to pop Machina Snipers in the head a few times to teach them how to play without body shots...

Spy is just fun because I love the sneaky feel to it, coming into a group of the opposite team and having them completely trust you until you stab a few of them is amusing.

I do quite like playing Engie sometimes too, but I like to find a good camp rather than battle Engie...


Professional Cocksucker
Demo > Spy > Engi

I only dead-ringer spy, I like the challenge.

I only engi because no one knows how to properly place transporters, Turrets etc....

They may not properly place turrets but im sure they know how to place sentries.


A Little Darkly
I love the 4 S's.

Scout and Soldier are pretty even, like you, I love how the Scout can run around faster than everyone else. Also I play a lot of Control Point so the double capture rate is useful for me. Just like with Soldier, I'm pretty decent with the Black Box, and I use the Pain Train to give me the double capture rate for Control Points. :P

Then comes Sniper, It's really satisfying shooting a moving Scout in the head with a random pop shot that you thought would miss. It's also funny to pop Machina Snipers in the head a few times to teach them how to play without body shots...

Spy is just fun because I love the sneaky feel to it, coming into a group of the opposite team and having them completely trust you until you stab a few of them is amusing.

I do quite like playing Engie sometimes too, but I like to find a good camp rather than battle Engie...

Yes... but playing on a trade server with the pain train. Makes sense!

I once played with a guy who was using the bazaar bargain. That guy got 2 headshots out of like a hundred kills... Also Machina is still a piece of crap but getting collaterals is cool.

<Nothing to comment on spy>

Battle Engineer is better.

You forgot to mention Pyro.


A Little Darkly

Give me some examples and I may agree with you.

For playing Pyro, it isn't that hard of a class, then again, i play it since my first day in TF2.

Reflects are a clear example.

Paying attention - I remember being on the AllCrit server with you and i killed you like 3 times from just spamming pills over the wall...(The fact that you were dominating me half the time is completely irrelevant...)

Choice of hats... Ugh... Brown Bomber... Not sure if i need to say more.


TD Admin / Wanker
For playing Pyro, it isn't that hard of a class, then again, i play it since my first day in TF2.

Reflects are a clear example.

I was talking about the 'other things' that I suck at xD

Paying attention - I remember being on the AllCrit server with you and i killed you like 3 times from just spamming pills over the wall...(The fact that you were dominating me half the time is completely irrelevant...)

You forget that I was also spamming bombs over the wall, so the fact that I was dominating you half the time is relevant because I suck at Demo. :D
3 Kills to however many I got on you, and I was also second best in my team that game. xD

Choice of hats... Ugh... Brown Bomber... Not sure if i need to say more.

My choice of hats is amazing, you're just jealous because you CAN'T make a collection of brown bombers. xD


A Little Darkly
At the price you buy them at i could sell my stuff and buy like 6 of them. I wouldn't because:

A) Unlike you i am not insane
B) That hat is ugly ._.

Also it wasn't about sucking at demo, Spray and prays are easy to dodge if you pay attention, you got me mostly from direct hits or lucky pipes just staying next to the resupply cabinet...