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Hey guys it's Dark. It is starting to get annoying to have many players come on to the servers who beg and or waste other peoples time. I know there is no rule against it but I am getting sick of getting trade requests with guys who have absolutly nothing I want and/or need to trade. I am not speaking to f2p players specifically because there are a lot of guys on the servers who have a lot of nice stuff just only use the f2p clan tag. Would it be a good idea to add a few new rules to change who is allowed on the server? What do you guys think about this?


Retired Scrub
I get what you mean, Dark, but I don't agree that we should start ruling out people out of sheer annoyance. I know a lot of F2Ps from CityCraft that come on Darkly Servers when I'm on.

Here's what I do. If I have stuff to trade, I post it in chat and let whatever happens happens. If I don't have stuff to trade, I usually reject every single trade request. Now there are certain exceptions. Haze once tradereq'd me out of the blue. I knew him, so I accepted. Turns out he wanted my two Tomislavs. Keep it to people you know.


Senior TF2 Admin
Actually, there is a rule against begging, from my memory. As for not paying to play a game... Not really all that punishable, even if 80% have no idea what they're doing/are there for no reason.


TD Admin / Wanker
The argument will ALWAYS be "oh but these people are begging and annoying" against "oh but these people actually have items and know how to trade"

This situation has been discussed time and time again, one of the results of one of those discussions was to add [F2P] to every F2P person's name that joined the server. That way you can choose to avoid those people as far as trades go. You can even mute them pre-emptively if you like?

Although a lot of people are against it, I am a strong advocate of keeping F2Ps on the servers. Why?
Several reasons.
1. Although there are a lot (and I mean a lot) of annoying ones...there is also a lot of good ones.
2. You don't have to be F2P to be beggy, whiney or annoying. There are a lot of P2Ps that are like that too.
3. They generate ad revenue for the servers. Although it's not much, every little helps.
I could go on but I don't want to get into a rant here.

The whole game is full of assholes, whether you only play pubs, only play with P2Ps or only play MVM, you will always meet assholes and annoying people.
That is just the sad fact of TF2 and there are no 2 ways about it.


Death by Darkly
My opinion of F2Ps isn't as positive and favorable as Zacky's. However, speaking from a technical standpoint, they're actually needed for the servers. Like it or not some do trade and they keep the servers full, which is what attracts regular traders. We've tried making F2P-free servers in the past, and what ends up happening the majority of the time is that the server is more empty, which drives away regular traders, and the server spends most of its time nearly empty when it would otherwise be nearly full. That's lost ad revenue and is just as bad, if not worse, for regular players as a server with F2Ps. The tags work as a middle ground. And to clarify for you, Dark, any F2Ps on the server automatically get the tag. It's not optional, and it's not a "clan" tag

Begging is prohibited, and will land people a ban, and thus typically isn't much of a problem. If you find someone begging, report it.
Wow you guys make some excellent points and the F2P tag being automatic I had no idea about thanks for sharing that with me. I am also glad that I am not the only guy thinking about it thanks for the feed back guys!