TD Member
[blockquote]Prop and Low Budget[/blockquote]
TD| LoW BuDgEt: maybe its my isp
TD| LoW BuDgEt: those cocksuckers
Propaganda: yeah isp's do suck cock
Propaganda: suprisingly i have had very little trouble with shaw the last 2 years
Propaganda: try running hdr again and see
TD| LoW BuDgEt: 441 ping
TD| LoW BuDgEt: nah still 400
TD| LoW BuDgEt: just coincidence i think
TD| LoW BuDgEt: somoene in my building must be dling a collection of gay porn
Propaganda: i didnt know spinny lived in your building
TD| LoW BuDgEt: maybe its my isp
TD| LoW BuDgEt: those cocksuckers
Propaganda: yeah isp's do suck cock
Propaganda: suprisingly i have had very little trouble with shaw the last 2 years
Propaganda: try running hdr again and see
TD| LoW BuDgEt: 441 ping
TD| LoW BuDgEt: nah still 400
TD| LoW BuDgEt: just coincidence i think
TD| LoW BuDgEt: somoene in my building must be dling a collection of gay porn
Propaganda: i didnt know spinny lived in your building