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Epic Fedor thread

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TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
NHB = no holds barred, which means u can wrestle all you want.
MMA = wrestling allowed

there is no reference to stomping. MMA is a NHB fighting system, where wrestling is allowed.


TD Admin | Bacon
sometimes written no-holds-barred, may refer to:

Types of fighting:
Forms of hand-to-hand combat where indeed no maneuvers are prohibited.

UFC is not a true "no-holds-barred" fight where anything goes you liring gypsy 47.

however it use to be lol, anyone else rememeber that UFC7 fight were the guy is getting owned so he just pounds on the other guys nuts. ahhahah BRUTAL!


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
For that matter she could ass stomp my cock. I wouldn't mind...
shes definitely hot. but the fattie never makes weight , lol
and LEARN TO EDIT YOUR POST.. triple post is an epic fail on your behalf.

VINNY. no hold barred means that you can grab and hold the guy in any way you wants. i dont think the an eye gouge is a type of hold. neither is a kick to the groin. its pretty straight forward, no holds barred . barred means prohibited, so no holds are prohibited. u guys are thinking of no rules combat, IFL and early UFC.


TD Admin | Bacon

VINNY. no hold barred means that you can grab and hold the guy in any way you wants. i dont think the an eye gouge is a type of hold. neither is a kick to the groin. its pretty straight forward, no holds barred . barred means prohibited, so no holds are prohibited. u guys are thinking of no rules combat, IFL and early UFC.


Pronunciation: \ˌnō-ˌhōl(d)z-ˈbärd\
Function: adjective
Date: 1961
: free of restrictions or hampering conventions <a no–holds–barred contest>


No Holds Barred WRESTLING means no holds are not allowed, HOWEVER a No-Holds-Barred FIGHT means anything goes.

You god damn thick gypsy cock sucker!


TD Admin | Bacon


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
hahahhaha, fedor is soooo funny.
i gotta find this one vid.


TD Admin | Bacon
hahahhaha, fedor is soooo funny.
i gotta find this one vid.

what video?
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