Electro-Acoustic / Ambient Listeners


TD Member
Thought I would try and start a thread with people that listen to this stuff. I'm a big fan of Musique Concrete and early electronic music.

Art music is a process art where the music is a result from subconscious work with sounds and tones.

Some personal favorite artists such as Brian Eno, Cluster, Edgard Varese, Robert Fripp, Stars of the Lid...

Hugh Le Caine - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o15ZHaReGa0
Great canadian artist in the Electro-acoustic/musique concrete genres, this is a wonderful little gem.

http://www.sonus.ca/ This is a great Canadian community that you should check out if you enjoy this stuff.

Anybody else dig this stuff?


TD Member
Brian Eno is the man.
I love his work with Robert Fripp especially.

I didn't really expect much people to dig this stuff but I'm glad you replied lol.

Most people fall asleep to ambiant music.


2011 Troll of the Year
Luigi NoNo represent

edit: Huge fan of the genre, or I suppose I used to be - I don't really listen to it too much these days, though I compose stuff that's in a similar style.