Elder Scrolls Online Addons


TD Admin | Bacon
Here is a list of highly recommended and frequently updated Addon modifications for Elder Scrolls Online!

How to install Elder Scroll Addons:
Download and extract files to the Addon directory:
C:\Users\USERACCOUNT\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\Live\AddOns

Wykkyd's Framework - http://esoui.com/downloads/info8-WykkydsFramework.html

  • 12 Keybind-able Macros - 48 Total Macros that allow execution of multiple chat commands, emotes and/or Add-on commands.
  • Release Mouse Cursor Keybind - A simple keybind to allow you to release your mouse cursor and freely move it about your screen
  • Auto-Sheath - A feature to automatically sheath your weapon when you exit combat.
  • Chat Background - A simpler chat background that sits behind the chat box.
  • Bazgrim’s Toolbar - Now embedded, this Toolbar offers quick on-screen access to Bag Space, Local Time, Gold, Zone, Experience, Veteran’s Points, Alliance Points and more.
  • Bazgrim’s Subtitle - Now embedded and enhanced, this Subtitle addon displays NPC Say, Yell and Whisper text on screen.
  • Loot Notification - Items you loot can be announced into chat. Gold can be set to announce either in chat or in scrolling text on screen


Research Assistant - http://esoui.com/downloads/info111-ResearchAssistant.html


A simple mod that adds a little icon to the list view. The icon only shows up for weapons and armor, and will be ORANGE if you do not have the trait researched. If the icon is GREEN, that means you don't need to hold onto it for research! If you have duplicate traits, they will all be YELLOW except for the lowest quality item, which will be ORANGE.

Type "/ra" or "/researchassistant" to toggle your research assistant on or off.
Type "/ra color" or "/researchassistant color" to change YELLOW to TEAL.

Inventory Grid View - http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info65-InventoryGridView.html

  • Grid view for your main inventory, your bank, AND your guild bank!
  • Toggle grid view on and off! Useful for when you need to scan with more information.
  • Don't like the outlines? Turn them off!
  • Customizable grid size.
  • Works with Research Assistant (but only with the grid toggled off).

SkyShards - http://esoui.com/downloads/info128-SkyShards.html


SkyShards adds map pins for skyshards to the world map.
In-game configuration is in the SETTINGS -> SkyShards menu.
Slash commands:

Foundry Tactical Combat - http://esoui.com/downloads/info28-FoundryTacticalCombat.html

Foundry Tactical Combat has three primary components which are each optionally configurable.
  • Custom Unit Frames - The unit frames in Foundry Tactical Combat are designed to be minimal, unobtrusive, and informative. Allowing you to focus your attention on what matters most in combat. The frames can be re-positioned wherever you want them using an option in the addon settings menu. Disabling the custom unit frames will revert to the default ESO attribute bars, however these default bars still include heads-up tracking of current, total, and percentage attribute levels.
  • "Elder Scrolling Combat Text" - The scrolling combat text component provides on-screen data reporting outgoing and incoming damage and heals. The combat text has several options for fine-tuning the visual appearance including the scroll path presets and toggling of ability names for outgoing damage and heals. The combat text component also enables an "Alerts" system which notifies the player when critical combat events occur like low attribute warnings, experience gain, ultimate availability and more.
  • Active Buff Tracking - Foundry Tactical Combat includes a module for tracking the duration of outgoing buffs and debuffs. This provides a close (but not exact) approximation for the duration of important combat effects. The functionality of this component is limited, but it still is an invaluable tool for players who care about optimizing their combat performance.
Installing Foundry Tactical Combat
  1. Download "FTC_024.zip" from the link at the top of this article.
  2. Place this zip archive in your ESO addons folder found in My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/Addons/. Mac users should use Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/Addons.
  3. Extract the .zip archive into this folder.
  4. You should now have a folder inside Addons named "FoundryTacticalCombat" which contains the addon files.
  5. Launch The Elder Scrolls Online. FTC should be automatically enabled. If not, go to the Add-Ons section of the game menu and make sure that the box beside Foundry Tactical Combat is checked.
Configuring FTC Components

You can modify the settings used by Foundry Tactical Combat by going to the "FTC Settings" section of the in-game settings menu. Within this menu you can change several features of the addon:

Core Settings
  • Enable Frames - Toggle whether FTC uses the custom unit frames component. Setting this to "off" will cause the addon to use the default ESO attribute bars.
  • Enable Buffs - Toggle whether FTC displays active buff tracking.
  • Enable Combat Text - Toggle whether FTC configures and displays scrolling combat text. Disabling this component will also disable the "Alerts" system.
Unit Frames Settings
  • Show Player Nameplate - Toggle whether you want the friendly player unit frame to display your own name, level, and class.
  • Enable Mini Experience Bar - Turning this setting ON (default) will display a tiny experience bar beneath your nameplate for easy monitoring of your leveling progress.
Buff Tracker Settings
  • Display Long Buffs - Toggles whether FTC will display long duration buffs (greater than 75 seconds).
Scrolling Combat Text Settings
  • Combat Text Scroll Speed - Modifies the speed at which combat text scrolls across the screen. Higher numbers cause faster scrolling.
  • Display Ability Names - Toggle whether or not ability names will be displayed for outgoing damaging and healing abilities.
  • Scroll Path Animation - Select your preferred scroll path for combat text, available options are Arc which slightly curves the text outward to either side of your character, or Linear which scrolls the text vertically in a straight line.
Reposition Elements
  • Lock Positions - Clicking this button will "unlock" the position of all the core FTC elements including player frame, target frame, long buffs, outgoing combat text, incoming combat text, and combat status alerts. You may then use your mouse to drag these elements to re-position them wherever you want them to appear. Your preferred positions will be automatically saved. Once you are done re-positioning elements return to this menu to re "lock" the frame positions to remove their background indicators and so you do not accidentally drag them in combat.



QueueQueue - http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info198-QueueQueue.html

  • Displays your current queue position and time in queue.
  • It will play a more noticeable sound when entry becomes available.
  • It will also play a reminder sound when your acceptance timer is running out.

Guild Store Search - http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info200-GuildStoreSearch.html


Allows you to do a textual search for items in the guild stores you have access to. It displays the 10 cheapest results by unit price. You can search an individual guild or search across all guilds to find the cheapest.

It does not use any filters you have selected. It will get every item for sale in the guild store(s) you select. Then you can search for items that match the text you enter.

/gss brings up the interface while a Guild Store is open.

*NEW v0.4*
1. Select a specific guild or choose All. Then press Retrieve.
2. Once all the items have been retrieved from the selected guild stores,
type the text you want to find and press Find Match.
3. You can match the text to items from a specific guild or items from all guilds.
4. Use quotes for exact matching, no quotes for partial matching.
5. You can press Retrieve again to update the items from the guild stores.

To buy an item, press the "Go To Page" button. It will change the main Guild Store interface to the page where the item you want to buy can be found. You still have to scroll down to that item and buy it.
