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dumb ass americans

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OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Man, who cares... the gov't will always do whatever it wants, and dumb-ass citizens (of WHICHEVER country) will always take what candidates say for truth, then get upset... Until the next election... BLAH...

Fork Included

TD Admin
you missunderstand

this was to showcase that the average rioting american is so confused about their own identity that its tragically hilarious.


TD Member
BJ you've got the wrong impressions.

Those people in the video are the un-educated blind protesters who really don't have a clue why they are there. They were taught that socialism = communism = russia = bad. Which is not the case.

The people who voted in Obama are not the same people who are on the lawns protesting today. It's evident in video's like this, that alot of people really don't have an arguement for expanded health care. They are just afraid of losing profits, or they are so "patriotic" (read as jingoist) that to have something that benefits non-nationally born citizens is just absurd to them.


Uneducated republicans are protesting something that if put on the stand, they couldn't debate with a chance of winning.

edit : I LOL'd HARD at this site posted in the comments for that. http://922warning.com/

Shit, I think the govt is corrupt and a bunch of assholes, but i don't think that's probable in the slightest. Guess we will find out though.


Staff member
Indeed Fork, What i find more amusing is the fact that most really have no idea whats going on. I'm sure most of them watch FOXnews or MSNBC. I wouldn't doubt that they are mostly afraid of any sort of change in "their" USA.

What scared me the most of the comment saying that Fascism Communism and socialism "borrow from each other"

I doubt anyone there knows that the banking system has turned socialist, since most don't even know what the word really means.


TD Member
It is sad from my standpoint, and i in no way relate myself to this blatant show of mass ignorance. ! Gddamn people educate yourselves.

+1 fork (comedy)
+ jr (political insight)



TD Admin | Bacon
BJ you've got the wrong impressions.

Those people in the video are the un-educated blind protesters who really don't have a clue why they are there. They were taught that socialism = communism = russia = bad. Which is not the case. [/quote1253054509]

Actually that is the case.

Capitalism is a system that rewards the WINNERs and SURVIVORs in society. Socialism holds down the strong.

In the United States those without health care TRUELY do not deserve it. IT IS NOT HARD to get it, and there is no reason to ruin our current health care system by forcing the middle and upper parts of our society to pay for the survival of the weak.

Fuck the poor, they should stop sucking at life.

also: Omission has some good first hand view points on the weakness's and failures of Canada's national health care.


TD Admin | Bacon

I doubt anyone there knows that the banking system has turned socialist, since most don't even know what the word really means.

The biggest joke of all, is that it was Bush who socialized the banking system. This just furthers my belief that both the Democrats and Republicians are retarded. The problem in my opinion with the parties is that the extreme left and extreme right control the two.

Libertarian or GTFO.

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
Their all talking about how obama is like hitler cause he was well spoken and shit....the fuckers that get their info are the hitlers....democrat or republican we(americans) are fucked either way. Either way there is not enough money. If they want health care where do you get the money. You can't cut too much out and its not easy. I have no faith in government but all I can do is go on doing what I have to do to survive. I as well am uneducated and couldn't argue any sides from that and not sure where I could turn to to TRUTHFULLY educate myself and that is what I think the problem is. If I'm dem or rep I'm gonna stand by that side rigth or wrong? I dunno FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK


2012 Troll of the Year
That is absolutely cold. Healthcare should be for everyone, independant of their financial situation.

Americans are dumb.


TD Admin
lol, I was there that weekend and we walked around that shit hole. It was soooo funny. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought these people were jokes. I was starting to feel unpatriotic.


TD Admin | Bacon

That is absolutely cold. Healthcare should be for everyone, independant of their financial situation.

Americans are dumb.

It is available to anyone. Its pretty simple actually, get a fucking job that has a healthcare plan. Basically every company besides wal-mart and McDonalds has one. You can even get health care plans while working at FedEx PART TIME(25 hours a week).

I have no wish to be paying the tax rates you are leroy, just to pay for people like 47's health care.


TD Admin | Bacon
Of course I don't want you all to get me wrong, I'm not saying those people in the video aren't retarded. I'm just saying I'll take the current US health care system over canada's....


TD Member
The British health care service is also government run, and paid for fully by taxes and I saw a reporter interview with some of the doctors at one of the biggest hospitals in Britain and it seemed great overall.

Nothing is without it's flaws, and people don't deserve to die for not having health care. Fuck the greedy private companies.

"I believe all men don't have a price"


TD Admin | Bacon

Nothing is without it's flaws, and people don't deserve to die for not having health care. Fuck the greedy private companies.


I don't see why that should be my concern. It is not my fault they have failed to provide for themselves. Why should I do it for them? The current system is just an evolution of "survival of the fittest".

I don't agree with exploiting the weak, however the strong should not be held down for the sake of the weak.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
thing is that health insurance companies dont cover everything. sometimes your get fucked over.


TD Member
[quote1253060857=Ba Chicka Wa Wa]
I have no faith in government , I am uneducated and couldn't argue any side. sure I could TRUTHFULLY educate myself, but Fuck it!! and that is what I think the problem is. If I'm dem or rep I'm gonna stand by that side rigth or wrong.. FFFUUUUUUUUUU....



TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Hard to compare Canada healthcare to the USA health care. It is easier to provide healthcare to 30 million citizens than 300 million citizens.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
heh i found a cool quote from albert einstein today:

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

oh and ohip kicks ass. fuck getting a job with benefits just to survive. fuck doctors who do their jobs solely for profit and their own greed, and fuck the drug companies and all the other profiteers who rape the sick and weak. we all in this shit together, i as well have no problem one day giving half my money to taxes as long as its for wortthy causes. ie not rewarding fail financial institutions.
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