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Drive Test Strike (Ontario)

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Is anyone being impeded by the Drive Test Strike in Ontario? There is next to no news on this and I am not sure if it is because a relatively quiet & growing sample of people are being affected by it OR are most Ontario-ans really not giving too much of a s#it... yet.

This strike is going into it's 9th week soon. My gf saved up for a car this summer and was suppose to take her G2 test in late August, but the bastards went on strike on August 24/09. The place we chose to live was also based on the assumption we'd both have cars. I don't mind driving her twice a week @ 6am to get to the hospital on time. But in January she has gotta be there 4 times a week as coop is the primary learning done in your last semester of an RN program. We definitely need a G2 test before then or I will be a mega tired DooChops having to work myself @ 9am most weekdays. Another friend needs to change buses 3 times to get to school and he also has a car wasting away @ home because of this dispute.

Just wondering if anyone else gives a s#it about this strike or are as annoyed as I am with unions in recent years holding significant segments of society hostage in order to gain something for themselves. This is why I love Canada. The interests of organized groups (unions) always seem to take heavy priority over the needs and greater good of the rest of society. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I was also a 'victim' of the Ontario teachers strikes in '99 and early 2000's. It was awesome going to high school with NO extra curricular activities and being in constant fear of them walking out. Unions have made my life that much more rosy over the years.


This CBC article is from August and nothing else has really changed:

This is the only petition I've seen in a news article..
EVEN IF YOU JUST SWEAR AND CALL THE WORKERS LAZY A$$holes or the company a bunch of bureaucratic f@ckpigs..


Any help getting some kind of a number count up is appreciated..


TD Member
ya i know how you feel i was down in windsor about 2 weeks after the garbage strike startded down there and was happy to get out and come back home only to find out that TO went on strike too fuck it unions dont help anyone exept thos who are willing to exploit the system IMO

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
your girl could probably get away without a license if she does in fact know how to drive....

i know adults do get their license, but i guess most applicants might fit into noob teenager category with out any real voice or money so there's really nothing to gain for advocating for these guys.

my bro and sister in law were hoping to get their road tests done, my bro is paying $400+ a month insurance on a fucking corolla, he's a young driver with a bunch of tickets and G2, but i told the fucker he could save quite a bit of loot if he just got his G, now he doesn't have a choice it seems, timed perfectly with the inspiration to actually get his full license.

just another case of over paid unionized government workers.


TD Admin
I have G ... I can't really care lol.

Howver, my wife wanted to get her G2 and yea ... she can't for now. I hope it won't take more then 6 months or else her G1 expires :|.
[quote1256146484=dead mike]
just another case of over paid unionized government workers.
Apparently the union blames the company the Ontario government outsourced the labour to. From what I have read thus far, they want more job security. Even in the winter when the # of road tests typically plummets. Most of these guys I am sure do work hard, but to force a company to retain employees that can't be utilized is inefficient and completely ignorant on the unions behalf.

Unions were originally established to ensure many now common labour practices, such as fair pay and, ESPECIALLY, safety. Now these unions, which have become companies themselves, are constantly trying to remain relevant and create causes to champion for. MADD Canada is the best example of that. Now blowing almost any level of alcohol in your system will have your car impounded for 3 days. Wow, thanks for taking the wild drunks off the roads. I guess a DD now can't even have a drink and be considered responsible.

I work independently so it's swim or sink for me. Unions asking for all of these magical security blankets is very arrogant while the segments of the population they are affecting suffer. These strikes are becoming very personal for since they have fucked up my daily schedule so badly for very significant periods.
Howver, my wife wanted to get her G2 and yea ... she can't for now. I hope it won't take more then 6 months or else her G1 expires :|.
Don't worry about that. Apparently any licenses that expiry after Aug 24 will be given an significant extension beyond the end date of the strike. The longer this goes, the uglier it will get numbers wise..

Fork Included

TD Admin


these people are worse than MacDonald employees, they deserve nothing,

fuck even the early morning, non english speaking, school zone crossing guards deserve more attention than the "drive testers".

they dont even fucking TEST you for driving, they have a mindless little sheet of paper with nothing on it that applies to the real world.

fuck them

sorry Dual Cocks for your GF's trouble. But its definetly something that doesnt affect alot of people, once you get your licence you're set for life.

Have you considered trying to do a test in another province (totaly random idea), Quebec is not too far away...


2012 Troll of the Year
I definitely recommend you DON'T drive without a license. No insurance. You can owe money you will never be able to pay off for the rest of your life.
[quote1256151301=Fork Included]
Have you considered trying to do a test in another province (totaly random idea), Quebec is not too far away...
As far as I understand it, you must reside in the province that you want to take the test in.

I think this strike will get more publicity once the Trucking companies and school boards go APES#IT over needing to license new drivers. That process is well underway, but the static isn't loud enough.

At least McGuinty addressed the issue verbally yesterday. F@ckin twit.


I'm New Here
yes ... McGuinty needs to leave office BAD ... he's fucking Ontarian's over with a 30 ft pole shoved straight up all yer asses ... and then twisting it


Professional Cocksucker
Is anyone being impeded by the Drive Test Strike in Ontario? There is next to no news on this and I am not sure if it is because a relatively quiet & growing sample of people are being affected by it OR are most Ontario-ans really not giving too much of a s#it... yet.

This strike is going into it's 9th week soon. My gf saved up for a car this summer and was suppose to take her G2 test in late August, but the bastards went on strike on August 24/09. The place we chose to live was also based on the assumption we'd both have cars. I don't mind driving her twice a week @ 6am to get to the hospital on time. But in January she has gotta be there 4 times a week as coop is the primary learning done in your last semester of an RN program. We definitely need a G2 test before then or I will be a mega tired DooChops having to work myself @ 9am most weekdays. Another friend needs to change buses 3 times to get to school and he also has a car wasting away @ home because of this dispute.

Just wondering if anyone else gives a s#it about this strike or are as annoyed as I am with unions in recent years holding significant segments of society hostage in order to gain something for themselves. This is why I love Canada. The interests of organized groups (unions) always seem to take heavy priority over the needs and greater good of the rest of society. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I was also a 'victim' of the Ontario teachers strikes in '99 and early 2000's. It was awesome going to high school with NO extra curricular activities and being in constant fear of them walking out. Unions have made my life that much more rosy over the years.


This CBC article is from August and nothing else has really changed:


i know how you/ur gf feel bud. i had my g2 on august 1st but my dad fucked me over so i lost 40$ and had to re schedule it, first available time being sept 8th. ye so in august i was looking at cars and actually going to check them out and etc, i narrowed my selection to 2 which i was going to decide from after i got my g2 but noooooooo the fucks had to go on strike. long story short, the 2 cars got sold and im stuck bussing it to work and rely on others to drive me places in the evenings and etc. i hate bussing it in the rain/snow =[.


TD Member
im waiting to get up on my g2 as well.
its difficult for my parents to have to drive me around for work since i have very limited transportation where i live.
its actually really rediculous too, because not even the city employees were on strike this long, and they had something to fight about.


TD Admin
yeah, i have to wait to get my G now. im planning to take it before first snowfall, if that happens
I doubt that the union workers can stay out too much longer... By Dec 24, for example, they will be 4 months without a pay cheque. That's an extreme long time to not be able to pay the mortgage, etc. This is also not a GM type union either, so I can't see a massive treasure chest being available to assist the workers financially. Most GM strikes had the union provide the striking workers $320.00 a month. This union would be lucky to provide half that and they don't make what GM workers are used to. Financially staying out that long would become devastating for the workers. My day to day routine is fine until mid January. That is when my gf really needs a license because schooling essential becomes a coop for nurses in the last semester of their Nursing degree. I am not be around as much as necessarily she can get to the hospital when needed.
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