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Drinking Age


2012 Troll of the Year
Dont drink and drive that's all! Too many people I know got accident. I lost 2 friends like that.

i also thing 18 is a good age.. i started drinking at 14ish so i think 18 should be good.. i mean i remember getting pissed that nearly each time i went into a shop to get some beers or some vodka or tequila they wouldn't give it to me and they wanted ID but whatever.. hahaha.. atleast it didn't stay 21.. but what pissed me off the most is that they changed it when i was 18 haha so i think 18 is good and it should stay that way.. anywho the moral of the story is that i got a fake ID at like 16 and i started getting a hugeass beard at the age of 15 so it's cool ;)


TD Admin (and LiR)
Put the drinking age to 20-21. If we put it lower (than 19), teen pregnancy will quadrouple.
I'm divided on the issue. I really feel that the staggered system works best where its one age for beer and weaker alcohol and then a few years later for the hard stuff, but at the end of the day, people are gonna get ahold of stuff and go crazy. Its a no win issue, I'm just a bit reserved on it because in my senior year of highschool we lost 3 students to drinking and driving. They didn't even hit anything, just flipped their truck into a ditch, 2 passengers and the driver dead, 1 critically injured. Not one of them was of age. Fuck I go drinking under age but at least I'm far away from driving and with people who aren't drinking so its fairly safe.


TD Member
Staggered system - but over all 18.

on a hole teens brains can have problems developing with too much alcohol at once, but normal amounts of wine/beer or other forums of low percentage alcohol based products, could be consumed at almost any age with little/no consequence as long as its controlled... but that is where the problems always lies, people lack of control.


TD Admin (and LiR)
I'm divided on the issue. I really feel that the staggered system works best where its one age for beer and weaker alcohol and then a few years later for the hard stuff, but at the end of the day, people are gonna get ahold of stuff and go crazy. Its a no win issue, I'm just a bit reserved on it because in my senior year of highschool we lost 3 students to drinking and driving. They didn't even hit anything, just flipped their truck into a ditch, 2 passengers and the driver dead, 1 critically injured. Not one of them was of age. Fuck I go drinking under age but at least I'm far away from driving and with people who aren't drinking so its fairly safe.

Sorry to heard that. I think I remember hearing about that. Were they driving their parents Audi? That's all i remember from that article.
Sorry to heard that. I think I remember hearing about that. Were they driving their parents Audi? That's all i remember from that article.

We didn't get too much of the specifics at my school, at first we were told they were in a truck, then a sedan, and at first we were told no one had survived, so the entire incident was very sketchy for the first month. Our school police liaison was supposed to give an announcement clearing up what happened, but he never did so after the memorial ceremony the incident just kinda died off.


TD Admin
Lol Leroy digging up continuing some threads from before you left are you? I saw my response and was like, WTF? I dont remember saying that shit!


TD Member
I think 18 or 19 is reasonable, you can vote, you can go to jail, your now an adult, you can drink and face consequences if you make them.