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Drinking Age


TD Admin
At what age should drinking alcohol become legal?

In the good old days, drinking age was 21 years old. I think 21 is okay.


TD Admin
19 is a fair age. i think anything older than that and teenagers start thinking they are really missing out on something (which they are) and are encouraged to drink at an unsafe age.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
How it is now is great. I hate to say it, but stricter laws on drinking and driving are making shit a little better - for example, if you're hosting a party, you're now allowed to let drunk people leave by vehicle otherwise YOU get charged.

I hate it, but fuck it, it's saving some lives.


TD Admin
[quote1263536619=OG buckshot jr]
How it is now is great. I hate to say it, but stricter laws on drinking and driving are making shit a little better - for example, if you're hosting a party, you're NOT allowed to let drunk people leave by vehicle otherwise YOU get charged.

I hate it, but fuck it, it's saving some lives.

fixed (no seriously)
18-19. But lots of teens start drinking at like 14, srsly once they hit highschool and get into a house party, liek zomg, alcohol non stop


TD Member
well, in europe the drinking age is they dont give a fuck. they seem to work fine.
lol in europe, especially rome, all the restuarants we went to, they just BROUGHT us beer. they didn't even ask us how old we were.


2012 Troll of the Year
Well, europe also doesn't have teenage drivers like the scourge we see here. Unfortunately all teens feel its their god-given right to drive(as I did, just saying). To equate underage drinking with dangerous drivers has been proven time and time again.

I don't give a fuck if you're 14 yold and you got into your buddies dads home made beer collection and drank yourself into oblivion. I don't give a fuck if you are at your buddies grandparents cabin out on adams lake, and get into his home made apple cider wine and drink yourself into oblivion, then switch to mixing tequila with coffee.

Get behind the wheel, thats when shit gets fucked up. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. oh ya, I don't think the legal drinking age matters to that. If you have the booze (which we all do) then you're gonna drink. Just don't drive.

I need more coffee.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
18 if u can go to war u can get drunk
thats what i was gonna say. old enough to die for your country, old enough to have a beer.


TD Member
i think the age limit should be 15 or 16

easyer to pick them up if you liquer them up first eh ;)


Staff member

easyer to pick them up if you liquer them up first eh ;)

my thoughts exactly.... Brains makes it to easy sometimes...


TD Member
I think certain things should be illegal under the influence, driving, working on the job, etc.

I don't think there should be a legal age enforced... but it is important to fill people in on the affects on the brain at such a young age to where you might be a zombie if you take it too far too early. Though I believe in freedom of choice, so give people a fair view of all sides and let them decide.


Staff member
Though I believe in freedom of choice, so give people a fair view of all sides and let them decide.

you trust the general population too much.


I'm New Here
I think certain things should be illegal under the influence, driving, working on the job, etc.

I don't think there should be a legal age enforced... but it is important to fill people in on the affects on the brain at such a young age to where you might be a zombie if you take it too far too early. Though I believe in freedom of choice, so give people a fair view of all sides and let them decide.


I dunno ... A legal age is mostly for going into casinos, strip clubs, and bars. Parents can allow their kids to drink at whichever age they please. I think the age of 19 is good because by then most kids are out of highschool and either ready to enter the real world, or else head to college where they will learn about a lot more things.


TD Admin
I agree with Leroy (even though it leaves a bad taste in my mouth). In Europe they have sufficient mass transportation systems that can get people back home relatively safely. Most areas in the states (and the parts of Canada I visited) everything is spread out so far due to urban sprawl that people are tempted to drive. I'm not sure what kind of decrease they saw in DUI related fatalities when they changed the drinking age from 18 to 21.

On a side note if you get a DUI in Ohio they give you some funny yellow license plates so the cops know to watch you like a hawk.