
TF2 Admin
Another nice one tonight :D :


Witch Doctor is terribly underrated. :D


TF2 Admin
And another, to maybe prove a point about Witch Doctor:


Sadly, the screeny I took at the end of the match didn't work ;_;


TF2 Admin
Wooooo...Have I mentioned how much I love Puck yet? No? Well, it's true. Awesome.

Revise of earlier: Puck #1, Silencer #2



I'm New Here
I've been playing as Troll. He's OP right now but they'll cut him down.
He's easily stopped with a stun though.

I still think hes not viable enough for competition play......Sven on the other hand as discodude mentioned is a very strong carry, almost too strong with the proper hero combos. Feel free to add me Moo_Cows to dota 2 it up :)


TD Member
New Character.
I played with one last night. He fucking sucked. Got such stupid skills. But then again I've never played with him.


TF2 Admin
You post all these great score but your team helps you hardcore.
I hate playing on shitty teams.

I know. That's why I usually try to play with friends :P

New Character.
I played with one last night. He fucking sucked. Got such stupid skills. But then again I've never played with him.

I got one that was awesome, and understood his role, and was French, but spoke English for simplicity. It was great.

His wall of ice ability is a massive help in Teamfights.

EDIT: Who doesn't like an ability like: "WALRUS PUNCH"? :D


I made the mistake of not looking up a tutorial before playing. I then didn't know what to do, got yelled at, and never played it again. It looks fun, just not fun enough for me to go through all the tutorials and such.


Retired Scrub
I made the mistake of not looking up a tutorial before playing. I then didn't know what to do, got yelled at, and never played it again. It looks fun, just not fun enough for me to go through all the tutorials and such.

I agree completely. I've never been into the MMORPG or whatever this game is, but I got it for free from a buddy, so when TF2 was broken for a day :why:, I decided to try it.

2 minutes later, I'm getting slaughtered and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. It didn't interest me enough to warrant watching a tutorial or two. I've still got the game, but unless I have a great reason to fire it up again, I won't be trying to protect any towers or whatever the hell they are :L