
TD Member
Hi Everyone,

I know free copies of DOTA 2 have been going around I wasn't sure who has picked up on playing.
I know myself, iSeize, Larry B, Itsachris and Keerpies play.

Just thought I would start a thread of people who play to discuss character preferences, builds, likes and dislikes.


TD Member
I personally like playing as Phantom Lancer.
If you build him use full stats and auras as your illusions will get those same bonuses. Diffusal blade or Sasha. From there go manta style.
Becomes a great push and carry. Ganker also if you build with heavy damage items.

I like to random but I wait to see what my team looks like like because you might as well give up when your whole team randoms.


TD Admin / Wanker
Played twice.
Didn't understand it.
Don't like it.
Will probably play a game every few weeks or so to try and 'get the hang of it' and then give up again.

My experience so far has been not knowing what to do.
Having players shout at me for not doing things right.
Then trying to figure out what to do.
And having those same players tell me I am still playing it wrong.
All while no one has even bothered to try and help me so that we may win a match.

Last game I played, the guy that was having a go at me the whole match, actually finished by saying 'Thanks Zacky' then leaving.
I think they were going to report me at one point for 'intentional feeding'.
I don't even know what that is, let alone how to do it.


TF2 Admin
Played twice.
Didn't understand it.
Don't like it.
Will probably play a game every few weeks or so to try and 'get the hang of it' and then give up again.

My experience so far has been not knowing what to do.
Having players shout at me for not doing things right.
Then trying to figure out what to do.
And having those same players tell me I am still playing it wrong.
All while no one has even bothered to try and help me so that we may win a match.

Last game I played, the guy that was having a go at me the whole match, actually finished by saying 'Thanks Zacky' then leaving.
I think they were going to report me at one point for 'intentional feeding'.
I don't even know what that is, let alone how to do it.

When people tell you you suck, you troll them, and they ragequit :D

Anyways...I generally go random build on a random guy (as I just got into it):
I have to say it's rather enjoyable. :D



I've only played a dozen games, but I am enjoying it! :D

It seemed (in the second one), people didn't know how this guy's abilities worked. The first one seems exceptionally powerful, and I got a few kills before they figured it out :/

EDIT: I love resurrecting old threads :P


TF2 Admin
Oh, and Keeper of the Light just gives himself mana with an ability. Makes for easy consistent damage.


TD Admin / Wanker
Maybe I will have to play with you over mumble at some point.
You can teach me the ways of your people.


TD Member
Yea you should join us in a game.
I mostly play random also but I have some characters that i like playing with consistently.


I'm New Here
I've been playing DotA since 2005, and transitioning from the first DotA to DotA 2, I saw a lot of significant changes. What I dislike about DotA 2 is that they changed everything, including the hot keys for skills and the interface of the shop and such. I guess they made it user-friendly for new players. It took me awhile to get used to, but I kinda prefer the old DotA better. Aside from that, it's a pretty good game. I don't play much of it though.


I'm New Here
The interface and shop doesnt bother me since i prefer my custom bindings instead of stock, default ones are annoying is meh easy once you get around. The one thing i love is that the game mechanics been vastly improved from Dota 1 since the warcraft 3 engine was so limiting. Such as Obsidian destroyer's astral prison + insanity eclipse. Old engine you had to prison thne wait for him to exit in order to ult him, now you cant just 1+2 combo :) smoother gameplay for sure


A Little Darkly
Played twice.
Didn't understand it.
Don't like it.
Will probably play a game every few weeks or so to try and 'get the hang of it' and then give up again.

My experience so far has been not knowing what to do.
Having players shout at me for not doing things right.
Then trying to figure out what to do.
And having those same players tell me I am still playing it wrong.
All while no one has even bothered to try and help me so that we may win a match.

Last game I played, the guy that was having a go at me the whole match, actually finished by saying 'Thanks Zacky' then leaving.
I think they were going to report me at one point for 'intentional feeding'.
I don't even know what that is, let alone how to do it.

I have experience in playing MOBA games since AoS on SC1 but the main thing is practice,
So cliche but its true, you need to practice and play as many games as possible without the fear of knowing you are going to lose
Dota has 100+ characters and playing only a few games every week or so isnt going to cut it.
Definitely play with people who have more experience and learn from them.
The raging and crying is very common in most MOBA games, dont sweat it, wise words from
TD map maker "WinterMaul" "Dont get mad if your teammate is doing bad, Everybody was a feeder..... once"

So yeah :) have fun enjoy losing and have a great time :D


A Little Darkly
The interface and shop doesnt bother me since i prefer my custom bindings instead of stock, default ones are annoying is meh easy once you get around. The one thing i love is that the game mechanics been vastly improved from Dota 1 since the warcraft 3 engine was so limiting. Such as Obsidian destroyer's astral prison + insanity eclipse. Old engine you had to prison thne wait for him to exit in order to ult him, now you cant just 1+2 combo :) smoother gameplay for sure

That was actually how it was suppost to be, if you play Dota on the WC3 Frozen Throne again, they have changed it.
A.K.A just a buff for him.


Senior TF2 Admin
I play League of Legends constantly and, I have to say, DOTA was not very user friendly and was confusing. That's coming from someone who plays a similar game all the time. I'll stick to League.