
A Little Darkly
LoL has no elements of Pay-to-win, you may be getting confused with the fact that you can buy betters runes from level 21+ and give you some advantages and the fact that you can unlock masteries from level 1-30.
But matchmaking will always make you play again people against your level.
you have to buy champions and runes but there isnt a "stronger" champion, LoL has too much Balancing so no one is a super carry like in dota2.

To each their own but i love both games.

Technically its Pay-to-win but it really isnt.


A Little Darkly
oh yeah, most definitely lol, love the fact you can actually "collect" in Dota, league its just skins and limited edition skins, but dota you have to find or use chest to maybe have some luck and get those really rare items.
and Keys are so addictive to use
"omg, ONE MORE till i can complete this set, just ONE MORE KEY!"


A Little Darkly
I play League of Legends constantly and, I have to say, DOTA was not very user friendly and was confusing. That's coming from someone who plays a similar game all the time. I'll stick to League.

They are similar in the fact that they are both MOBA style games, but gameplay wise... not even close.
I must agree that league of legends has always been user/noob-friendly, It would be wrong to compare the two games
they are both amazing :D


Senior TF2 Admin
League has no p2w elements. You can pay to unlock champs faster if you want, but the whole game can be unlocked without spending a dime.


Senior TF2 Admin
You can create rune pages that give you additional attributes like attack damage, ability power, health, armor etc. All runes are available without real money. In fact, you can only get runes by earning the free in game currency from playing games.


A Little Darkly
but to have enough money to buy champions, runes, AND rune pages (you start with 2)
is almost impossible.
I have over 1500 game in LoL and i still havent unlocked everything.
Havent spent any IRL money yet.


TD Admin
I played the original Dota when it was still a custom game for wc3. Dota 2 looks confusing.
I play league, its good times. Gotta be in the mood for MOBA games tho, as they tend to induce mass rage.


Senior TF2 Admin
but to have enough money to buy champions, runes, AND rune pages (you start with 2)
is almost impossible.
I have over 1500 game in LoL and i still havent unlocked everything.
Havent spent any IRL money yet.

Right, but you don't need to unlock everything to be competitive and win games. I didn't have rune pages set up for the longest time and won ranked games.


A Little Darkly
I played the original Dota when it was still a custom game for wc3. Dota 2 looks confusing.
I play league, its good times. Gotta be in the mood for MOBA games tho, as they tend to induce mass rage.

Dota2 looks intimidating when you approach it, but once you tackle it, as long as you dont mind the beating you will do fine.
League is just MetagameMetagameMetagameMetagame, hardly any room for creativity but it is a fun game if you like to play casually.
Protip: League revolves around Flash.


A Little Darkly
Right, but you don't need to unlock everything to be competitive and win games. I didn't have rune pages set up for the longest time and won ranked games.

Right, "won ranked games". If you want to play competitively and have every single advantage that your opponent does, you need rune pages and runes.
That is a mindset of at 1100-1400, if you are anyhigher you either got lucky or got carried and will soon be dropped down to the ranks where people have 2 rune pages and only "main" one champion in one lane.


A Little Darkly
Dota2 looks intimidating when you approach it, but once you tackle it, as long as you dont mind the beating you will do fine.
League is just MetagameMetagameMetagameMetagame, hardly any room for creativity but it is a fun game if you like to play casually.
Protip: League revolves around Flash.

I was 2.1k in S2 so if you need any tips or coaching let me know, I can teach or play with you a few rounds to show you things that you may have not known at your current level, not meaning to sound cocky.

Feel free to decline, streamers are very good sources of learning.


TF2 Admin
If you reply to a post, and then reply to another without posting the original you will have both.

No problem :p


Senior TF2 Admin
Right, "won ranked games". If you want to play competitively and have every single advantage that your opponent does, you need rune pages and runes.
That is a mindset of at 1100-1400, if you are anyhigher you either got lucky or got carried and will soon be dropped down to the ranks where people have 2 rune pages and only "main" one champion in one lane.

Sorta. The runes only really help early game. I went a long, long time without runes and did fine. I have a pairing in bot lane that almost always wins with a buddy of mine.


I'm New Here
Thats the thing, LoL the more you play the more you unlock stuff. But realistically you really gonna grind that many games to have enough cash to unlock that character?

Dota - its trying to keep the old school gaming sense of everyone has same playing field item wise and hero wise. To win it boils down to pure skill and teamwork. LoL has so many minor elements that "enchance" gameplay to certains players thats the model of free to play but pay to be better games. Look at the majority of Play for free games, they all involve real cash or insane ingame grinding to get "better" items. The grind in dota is to get better aesthetic unlocks and becoming a better player. its just like CS - pure skill, no frills.

Inbe4 anyone says it : Dota has the highest learning curve of all games and very competitive and probably will reign in E-sport scene with SC2.