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TD Member
No I'm not here begging for money, donations are not mandatory, but it's a lot cheaper entertainment than 2 hookers and an 8-ball of blow. We want to expand the community, get the gungame server on a proper host, and grow into other games. We don't expect a small group to carry the load, $5-$10 month from each member keeps us going, and that amount for a months worth of not having to sit around playing with your cock (or vagina for our female friends) with nothing to do is well worth it, especially if you can listen to shotgun jesus and his verbal diarrhea, pizza pizza pizza and BOOMKAKE. So if you haven't donated recently please consider kicking a couple bucks in. Thank you.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
+1. We tried a GG server yesterday without trying to spend extra money. The server was almost at full capacity within an hour of it being ready, however, lag killed it. But that showed us that if we DO have a GG it will very likely be successful. So if you guys really want to be able to play on GG while waiting to get on the MAIN server or if you just wanna play GG to change it up a bit, we need all the help we can get with donations. More money = TD Growth. No money = We stay where we are, no changes. If you want to see TD grow, please donate. And you can be guaranteed that every penny you donate on a monthly basis, goes to TD's servers. If we gave more money than needed for a month, the money stays in TD's account, and you can see at all time in our donations box at the bottom where we stand. We (the BHA) do not profit from this money, the only thing we get out if it, is knowing that we are managing the number one CSS community in Canada and that the community supports us.

Want a GG or see TD grow, donate whatever you can every month. $5.00 is better than nothing.

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
I feel bad not donating to date.... I wish I could. I have not worked since christmas eve and I can hardly pay my bills. I will try to do what I can when I can...

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
[quote1250179185=Ba Chicka Wa Wa]
I feel bad not donating to date.... I wish I could. I have not worked since christmas eve and I can hardly pay my bills. I will try to do what I can when I can...
Dude, it's not mandatory in any way whatsoever, if you cannot donate, it's fine. All we are saying is, we need Help from the community if they want to see TD grow. We want to see TD grow, but unfortunately, we are not millionaires, we got bills, mortgages, family, etc, so we cant cover all the costs ourselves if we want to expand. We already said from the beginning of TD 2.0 that we (the BHA) would pay for the main server, that's our commitment to you guys. But if you want more, we need help. That's all.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
is there any way to pay that is better then paypal, those guys skim a lot of the top


TD Admin
[quote1250179812=Shotgun Jesus]
I think we should take one for the team and start jumping in front of Omission's bullets.
For real. Except that pretty soon Omission is going to ask to move in with one of us because he can't pay his mortgage.

I hate CSS so bad and can't explain why I would ever pay for this torture but... I just donated. Blarg.


TD Member
hey guys I donated a little bit...me = student with no job, thus me no money, but I could afford donating a couple bucks per month or something


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
yaaaawn, just woke up ..
im just gonna go ahead and lead by example


TD Member
People, IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO DONATE DON'T! Its that simple. Food, bills, whatever come first. Everyone is welcome here.


TD Member
[quote1250186625=dead mike]
is there any way to pay that is better then paypal, those guys skim a lot of the top

Paypal is effective, the fees are reasonable. Say $0.50 on $25, it's really not much.


TD Member
I've put in my $30

I haven't made out well for donations in the past but as school is rapping up (one more exam) I should be entering the world or real employment and more reliabel donations.

Cheers Friends!
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