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Donations Appeal


Troll of the Year Nominee
It's pretty easy to suggest that our "regulars" pitch in a few dollars a month to help support the community. We know (DGN) that our community is extensive (over a thousand on our steam page) but a majority of our regulars (i mean heavy regulars) still seldom do anything to chip in. This is due to many reasons including not caring, having money tied up, no knowing about how to donate, not wanting to use paypal (for whatever reason), or other excuses really.

Typically, I believe that 20% of our actual members and regulars consistently help with our donations whereas the other 80% have not donated, donated once, or donate seldomly based on their current situation.
Yes, it is easier to suggest it, rather than to get to the bottom of why not enough people do or are able to. But I think it's worth a discussion, which is why I was asking.

I would personally overlook:
- students who have to pay tuition or other expenses related to being a student
- young'uns who are too young to have a credit card

There may also be people who are just getting by and/or having a rough time and can't currently afford it.

I'm interested because I personally think ESEA is a rip-off and would be happy to pay a monthly contribution to keep another fun community viable. On the other hand, I'm the type of person who can wander a shopping mall for 2 hours and only buy 1-2 items of clothing at a time - that is, I have to be entirely satisfied with how my money is spent. My first month here had a mixed start and I'd need the aftertaste of the bad experiences to fade before I personally felt comfortable investing in the community for a longer-term basis. I am wondering if this stops others from potentially contributing regularly, too? Because if so, it should be discussed and addressed.


2012 Troll of the Year
And, might I add, in terms of cost, this is cheap. To pay for enterprise production servers is in the order of tens of thousands...


Troll of the Year Nominee
It's not just the costs of operation. The community itself seems really good overall - there are several members here who add a ton of value, e.g. the ones organizing and participating in the CSS tournament. It's just another thing that attracts people to a server and makes it vibrant and fun.


2012 Troll of the Year
Very good observation.

"Under the hood" there are a ton of helpful members, for example, Cock through together the shirt order, Skd and Brades stepped up to the server admin plate, tons of members contribute to organizing tourneys.

At any given time we have a lot of members who want us to host servers for their favorite game (minecraft, beeftree, vanilla css). We've run the gamut of essentially every game under the sun. It's been very rewarding, to have been here from, essentially the very beginning to our current state. I should also include stve, before he rageflips on me for excluding him from the server chores. What he actually does, however, is anybodies guess ;)

I guess its another good thing, because they don't ask for their name in lights, and rarely does anybody bitch.

+1 TD

we're nowhere near the end ;)

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I got kids to feed, man. I GOT KIDS TO FEED.

Actually I'll probably chip in next month. I have to figure out my rent situation (thinking of moving to Burlington, so I'm looking at major $$$). But if all goes as planned I'm good for around 50 bucks.


DARKLY Regular
Chipped in 10 bucks for now. I will make it a monthly thing.

Thanks for providing us with the servers and community!