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TD Member
seriously, when the server is fukd why do we have ass wholes on here team killing? just cause the server is down we should still try to make it as if the server is running smoothly, shotgun made me aware that there was a problem with the source mod, i understand that, but for team killing, the regs should kno that we don't put up with that kind of shit.I'm just making this post, because i am disgusted with the way people are going about this. As regs they should all know how the system works! Just putting my 2 cents in.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
To be fair, once the TKers sunk the atmosphere, we just told people to go nuts. And, it should be said that once the TKers left, the server returned to normalcy.

The TKers were noted. Some were previous perm bans which will be gone when Sourcemod is back. The others were new players who have been added to the ban list, and will be banned when Sourcemod returns.

FYI: The TKers I'm referring to are players who came on to specifically destroy the server, not Regs who were TKing.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
[quote1292643970=Shotgun Jesus]
To be fair, once the TKers sunk the atmosphere, we just told people to go nuts. And, it should be said that once the TKers left, the server returned to normalcy.


that, cant let TKs have all the fun. we showed them that we cant be trolled.


TD Member
I wouldn't make a big fuss about it. I doubt this happening regularly and it was a fun little change. Plus things have already calmed down even though we had the few fags who didn't get it.
Everything will be fixed, nooooo worries.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
[quote1292648406=47]...cant let TKs have all the fun. we showed them that we cant be trolled.
For real. 47 could seriously be a pro-grade server shit disturber. His ability to seek out and TK the TKers before they could harm anyone left me in awe. I had a chubby.

100% true gypsy.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
but then full server tk fest was better. :D

long live TK Fridays !!!


TD Member
ya when the update was finished it was more of a deathmatch than the way css is supose to be. glad to see it's back to normal. hey i have a question im on the cs server a bit and there has been a few time where one or a small group of assholes come on to wreck havoc in the server. with no admins avalible. if you copy there steam ID to say is there a way asenoir admin can check the log to retrieve the id's at a later time


2012 Troll of the Year
I TKed Leroy last night ... it was an "assgasm" :D.

You didn't TK me, you lit me up old skool with a P90, and I was wearing my de facto bellaclava.

It does't matter if you're on the same team or not as 35, he plays deathmatch style ;)

I had a para too!