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Direct Energy bails from Ontario


Staff member

Best Comment so far
Due to government regulations here in Ontario, we are finding it increasingly difficult to scam new customers to our overpriced contracts. Therefore we have decided to relocate to a nation with no regulations where we can easily snooker millions of unsuspecting suckers into a ridiculous contract. Before we go though, we will take a parting shot and blame the government for resticting our business and claim the markets are not free enough. Ha

I can't even count the people I've known to be scammed by these assholes, even worse I know someone who works for them and just bought a house :(

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
what they do, its like pay 2 bills and they will repair any leaks on your water tank and furnace for a year, some deal liek that.
I worked for DE for a while as customer service. I got so many people out of their contracts. You just need to know the tricks. If you guys want some ideas about how to get out of one of these bs things PM me.


TD Member
these are those fucks who come up to your door. like i'm going to buy a damned water heater from a door-to-door salesman.


2012 Troll of the Year
postpwned, you're hired. If you can keep TD from entering into nefarious contracts, I'll make you more admin than LB. He's on his last legs.
Oh please, make them keep going southward. Lets see how long those assholes last in Mexico.

You can get shot down there for anything stupid involving scams. (No racism intended, quote is from a friend of mine. He is Mexican-American.)

Now if we could only force the Canadian ISPs out. I like how the states don't charge a data rate, but a flat, while high, fair price.


Staff member
What is so fair about it?

They are charging extra because they don't want people to give up Cable/Satellite/IPTV for Netflix and the like. It has nothing to do with "Fair".
I'm ok with a data rate. Sure it's a pissoff but it's fair.
Pissoff? Mate you have the patience of a Saint.
What is so fair about it?

They are charging extra because they don't want people to give up Cable/Satellite/IPTV for Netflix and the like. It has nothing to do with "Fair".
I actually contacted a company here in the states and asked. While he didn't give me a direct answer, he replied something about the ISPs in Canada being 'tied-together' to keep any competition. And something about Data Lines up there that requires vast amount of resources...but ended with the words 'extremely high profits'.

I smell as scam.
They work largely as a colluding oligopoly, which is obviously unfair and bad for the consumer. Charging for higher usage is not unfair, however. More bandwidth = higher costs. Why should low users be forced to subsidize high users (I'm a very high user, for the record).

Now whether the RATE per GB is too high is something we can probably agree on.
They work largely as a colluding oligopoly, which is obviously unfair and bad for the consumer. Charging for higher usage is not unfair, however. More bandwidth = higher costs. Why should low users be forced to subsidize high users (I'm a very high user, for the record).

Now whether the RATE per GB is too high is something we can probably agree on.
Here in the states, if you do end up using little, then Data Rates, amazing, exist here, as well as a painless 20$USD for basic Internet Access. That's not too much to ask is it?
If its over $.05 per/GB it's a rip off.
Agreed...although I still put my foot down and demand a flat rate with no-capped internet.
as well as a painless 20$USD for basic Internet Access. That's not too much to ask is it?.

Not everyone with low data usage wants painfully SLOW internet. I do find it funny that you support squeezing bandwidth to offer slow-speed "basic" internet access, but don't support the simpler model of just paying for extra usage.
Few have needs for extremely fast internet. *Talking about Elite DSL, pre Broadband. Anything slower is ancient and should not be marketed*. Why should I pay extra depending on usage? I don't mind paying extra for fast, dependable internet than a rate. Some months I might use a lot, some I barely get on.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
u guys are all about fair this and that (nothing will ever be fair to the point where discussing whats fair is pointless), the bottom line, profit over everything. buy stocks in the oligopoly to offset the higher fees, my only ideal is that net neutrality remains intact.
