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Fork Included

TD Admin
in a car, falling out of a plane, with the trunk full of dynomite, into a volcano at the bottom of Hell itself and a meteor five times the size of earth heading straight for where your car is falling.



TD Member
Okay, here we go :D

One day, you mindless make your way down the streets of the city on your way to your favourite coffee shop. The day goes as usual; slightly sunny, windy but nice, the snow has begun to melt by now leaving the sidewalks wet and slushy. You make your way into the coffee shop and accidentally run into a tall burly man who aggressively shoves you to the side of the wall grunting. He continues his way past you as you brush off the disgusting odor that his sweaty hands left on your brand new jacket. Now pissed off, you attempt to squish your way through the horde of people rushing to the front counter to place an order. Succeeding, you make it to the cash and order your usual coffee and a scone. Little did you know that today, little Johnny behind the counter has had a stressful week and hopelessly searching your pockets for exact change isn't turning out so well. You hand him a $50 bill to pay for your total of $3.49
Raged, little Johnny from behind the counter takes out his gun and shoots you directly between the eyes causing the start of a mass murder.

holyshit Mandy lmfao, nicely said :) a guy walking down the street and a bigass brick falls on someones head! :D (true story though) hahaha


TD Admin

Shot in the heart, and you're to blame!

you give love, a bad name

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
A bitchclat janitor gets horny, LATEnight, sticks the broom up her yingying. She slips - falls, the broom goes too deep.

- True story by the way.