Demo Request


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I am using Vista and have an ATI graphics card and do not have that problem. I don't think you should be perma banned, I just think it was a poor decision on your part to play with this bug (which gives you an advantage) and not notify any admins.
Okay, so what I'm getting from the majority of people who have replied to this topic is that I should be perma-banned for using an ATI card which has bad dithering issues and a weird flashbang bug which Valve has yet to address (if they updated CSS to the Orange Box Engine, not only would my problems be fixed, but the registration issues would be fixed as well for all players). Its okay that I can't see 80% of the people in de_westwood, de_dust, de_dust2, de_nuke, de_dessert_atrocity, de_kismayo and any map which uses sunbeams, dust sprites and fog... while I should be banned for having a weird flashbang bug (which is FAR from being a no-flash bug... I just see a "burnt-in" image of what I saw on my screen before being blinded. If a flashbang goes off right in front of my face then I WILL be blind for the same amount of time as everyone else, 95% of the time I can tell when a flashbang is going to go off and from where (because the sound is distinctive, and shares the same bouncing sound as the smoke grenade). I've adjusted my mouse sensitivity so that I can do easy and accurate 180 degree turns at the flick of a wrist so those 95% of the times I use sound and trajectory-prediction to avoid looking at the flash. There's also a bug that affects ALL players regardless of hardware where a 2nd flashbang would cancel out the white-out effects of the first one and this is a WELL KNOWN bug. I am still deaf just as long as everyone else when I get flashed and am deaf just as long too.

If you think I should be banned just for using an ATI graphics card, then maybe you should find out who else is using a DirectX 10.1 video card and ban them too, because I can assure you that they'll have the same flashbang bug and dithering issues as me.

I'm also curious to know which of you who have replied are both using Vista and an ATI DX10.1 graphics card, because this is a well-known problem for all ATI DX10.1 Source players.

And I've been trying to find user-based solutions not only for my dithering issues but the flashbang bug as well, I guess I should mention ALL the bugs and issues that I encounter everytime I decide to play on a server...

I will see if I can take a screenshot of the "double-vision" effect I get when I'm flashed and post it up here. I will post the image on instead of photobucket. Plus I'll upload the other pictures from my first post as well.

What you fail to grasp is the fact that you never mentioned ur bug prior to getting banned. You knew it was an advantage on ur part but did not take any action to let the community know so they can try to help you or at least be aware.

What you did do is use the bug to ur advantage, not tell any1 about it till you got banned and started acting all innocent. Fact of the matter is you knew the entire time but only came forward when you were punished.

If i recall, the other day some1 defused the bomb in egon world through the floor and you didnt hesitate to yell ban.

Just my 2cents.

Actually, I don't think I'm banned. And at the request of Jeroy I not only made this post but also recorded demos of me playing (with Fraps) and getting flashed ON the TD server. You must think I'm crying about getting banned when in fact I'm doing just what you're saying I should have done and explain this bug I get BEFORE I get banned. So no, I think you failed to read the entire post, especially past my first one.


Professional Cocksucker
No i didnt fail to read anything. My entire point is that you didnt notify any1 of ur problem prior to getting caught (is that better). So how you figure i failed is beyond me. Thanks for coming out though. I hope youll play fair in the future.
So you're saying its fair that I can't see things on most of the popular maps, but have a little weird flashbang effect that is most of the time worst than a "normal" flashbang effect? And tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to do to solve this problem? My mobo only supports CrossfireX and not SLI! Are you going to pay for a new mobo and graphics cards for me so I can "play fair" as you so put it. I don't mean to start turning this into a rage thread, but it seems to me that a lot of you are looking for any little excuse to get me banned save those few who have come to my defence...

I guess I should go out and buy a shitty ATI DX9 graphics card just to play CSS? Or maybe I bought over $700 worth in (at the time) high-end hardware just so I can get an edge in CSS? Yes, that's it, I wanted to hack so I predicted I'd see smoke grenades all over dust2 and westwood while having maybe a 0.01 second faster flashbang recovery time.

It would also be awesome if someone could please provide me with a means of uploading my fraps demos of this phenomenon so that people can actually see what this bug looks like? I get the suspicious feeling you think flashbangs don't even work on me at all! Just spectate me while I play and see how many times I turn away perfectly from 95% of the flashbangs that are thrown at me! And please note that when you spectate someone, flashbang effects are NEVER the same as what the person playing experiences!

Right now I'm typing on a laptop because I'm waiting for 3DMark6 to load on my computer to take a screenshot of my computer configuration just for you guys!


Professional Cocksucker
Once again your eluding the fact that u decided not to notify any1 of said bug.

Secondly, ur getting angry because 'alot of us'(?) are trying to get you banned? Maybe you need to reread this entire thread cause 'every1' isnt trying to get you banned. In fact im the only person thats actually responding to ur tantrum. No one else is writing anything so no need to include the community as a whole.

Edit: Dont bother replying because im done posting/reading whats in this thread. It seems this arguement if you wanna call it that is going nowhere. Good day sir.


TD Admin
Ladies... there needs to be no argument or discussion of this. Cerb, just upload your demos to rapidshare or any other file hosting site. Let me know if you need something else worked out (I have hosting that I don't use, you'd just need an ftp client). Once we take a look at the demos and see the effects of the flashbangs we can rule whether or not this was a big deal, if a problem at all.

If you knew you were getting a competitive edge because of this "glitch" then yeah, that's shitty. There must be a fix, perhaps forcing a different version of direct X or changing your video card drivers? Anyway, lets just relax...
I am using Vista and have an ATI graphics card and do not have that problem. I don't think you should be perma banned, I just think it was a poor decision on your part to play with this bug (which gives you an advantage) and not notify any admins.

What graphics card are you using? I'm using Vista Ultimate x64 SP1 with a Sapphire HD3870X2 1GB PCI-e & Sapphire HD3870 512MB PCI-e in CrossfireX configuration (both slotted in a PCIe 2.0 x16 slot). Both cards are running at stock speeds and have not been OC'd in any way.

Here, I will post my system specs, a screenshot of my DXDIAG and a screenshot of GPU-Z... 3DMark6 doesn't work and freezes my computer now.

Also, here are the two screenshots that were supposed to be in my first post (the first post has been edited with the updated links as well)
de_nuke (solid sunbeam dithering issue) -
de_westwood (solid dust particle sprite issue) -

Desktop Screenshot #1 (GPU-Z, DXDIAG, etc...) -
Desktop Screenshot #2 (GPU-Z, DXDIAG, etc...) -

Screenshot of my start-up console text, what loads in console when joining de_snowcapped on TD server and my settings + advanced gfx settings for CSS

In-Server Screenshots (Taken today at 4:40pm) on de_piranesi
Witnesses -
Facing TOWARDS flashbang
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
Facing AWAY flashbang
1. -
2. -
3. -
Ladies... there needs to be no argument or discussion of this. Cerb, just upload your demos to rapidshare or any other file hosting site. Let me know if you need something else worked out (I have hosting that I don't use, you'd just need an ftp client). Once we take a look at the demos and see the effects of the flashbangs we can rule whether or not this was a big deal, if a problem at all.

If you knew you were getting a competitive edge because of this "glitch" then yeah, that's shitty. There must be a fix, perhaps forcing a different version of direct X or changing your video card drivers? Anyway, lets just relax...

They're more like recordings and I'll post a screenshot of the size of these frap videos... I need suggestions on what to do and I know how to use an ftp uploader (I guess I should use something like CuteFTP?). Hell, I could just burn them to a double-sided DVD and mail it to one of the admins living in Toronto or just drop it off somewhere... lol I live in Etobicoke so its not big deal...

Here's how big the videos are...
Alright after someone posted they were into buying a new GPU i wanted to enlighten some people as to the issue with some new ATIcards and CSS

Here are some links of the problems (different issue);highlight_key=y&keyword1=source light


What does it come down too? ATI has taken out 16bit dithering which fucks up maps like dust,nuke, and quite a lot of other custom maps. certain maps you just can't see anything on, like dust has a smoke that doesn't go away.

What can you do to fix it? -dxlevel 81 in launch options.
It's a fix and it does work but still it's fucked up bullshit.

Also there are flashbang issues with the 4870x2, just search for 4870x2 flashbang you'll see.

DX 9

DX 8.1

From here:

So this problem has already been addressed and now I'm just wondering if you guys are trying to fuck around with me... :/
Buy a Geforce you fag, ATI = FAIL

I'm buying Canadian! Besides, it was the only card out at the time which ran DX10.1!!! I wanted that extra .1!!!! I have 2 uncles who work for ATI so I got to support the family!
So did you force that version of directx and fix it?

Yeah forced it to DX8.1... fixes the dust/sunbeam/dithering issue... the flashbang still is kind of the same except it doesn't leave a shakey after-image... just an afterimage that is pretty much the same as before...


TD Admin
I guess I still after everything don't understand what the problem is with your flashbangs. All the screen shots looked normal to me.
Disable all grenades to make things pure shooting... lol I wonder if there's a pub server that has only the shitty unused weapons like UMP and Galil enabled and all guns like M4, AK, deagle, AWP, Scout, MP5, P90, etc... disabled... would be kinda interesting... for 5 rounds.


Professional Cocksucker
Will be interesting to come to your house and rape the shit out of you for 5 rounds as well ... :).



Hacking Faggot
Will be interesting to come to your house and rape the shit out of you for 5 rounds as well ... :).


rape is no laughing matter, you sick fuck...