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Death of Diplomacy


I continue to wonder, why the real innocent are always the first few victims. Unless I have been asleep under a rock in the past few years, what business does terrorism have to benefit against Canada? Is it due to our 'neighbors' down the border who continue to act like the world's police problem, and instead of helping a situation, they are making it worse?

Then again, in this day and age, why maintain foreign offices and embassies, in the middle of nowhere?


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Terrorists don't give a fuck where you are from. They went into that mall and basically targeted any white people, they weren't "hunting" for Canadians.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
To blame the Unites States for this situation is ridiculous. If anything it should make us Canadians pull our heads out of our asses and join the US more actively in the "world police" role.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
ya im going to school right now and the profs are bringing in some straightup fuckery, this guy came to the front of the class and was trying to sell us a device that they use in airbags that causes it to expand, they can put this in airplanes and offices and apparently kill everyone in 10 seconds


I'm New Here
To blame the Unites States for this situation is ridiculous. If anything it should make us Canadians pull our heads out of our asses and join the US more actively in the "world police" role.
That would completely undermine our international reputation as neutral peace makers and diplomats.
Terrorists don't give a fuck where you are from. They went into that mall and basically targeted any white people, they weren't "hunting" for Canadians.
I can understand that, but...I mean, it is just wrong.

We have done nothing to warrant the need to be 'attacked' by these insane meatbags of scum. There is always a reason for terror, meaningless bloodshed always ends quickly, with an entire group wiped out.

Terrorism, based on a radical ideal, monolith, or religion, has blind obedience. Islam is a prime example.

To blame the Unites States for this situation is ridiculous. If anything it should make us Canadians pull our heads out of our asses and join the US more actively in the "world police" role.
Then Canada will have a 9/11 event, that might claim more lives than it did at the World Trade Center. If I wasn't scarred from my 'accident' at work, I would move back home and enlist in the service. *The last thing I want to be alive to see, is Victoria with a crater*

While I am not against a 'response', I feel that if Canada will respond, it needs to in the most quickest, and harshest manner possible. I still don't understand why an entire section can't just be declared 'lost' and drop a nuclear bomb on it. Nothing of importance will be lost. They took our diplomat, we should take their homes.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I can understand that, but...I mean, it is just wrong.

We have done nothing to warrant the need to be 'attacked' by these insane meatbags of scum. There is always a reason for terror, meaningless bloodshed always ends quickly, with an entire group wiped out.

Terrorism, based on a radical ideal, monolith, or religion, has blind obedience. Islam is a prime example.

Then Canada will have a 9/11 event, that might claim more lives than it did at the World Trade Center. If I wasn't scarred from my 'accident' at work, I would move back home and enlist in the service. *The last thing I want to be alive to see, is Victoria with a crater*

No. There have been several terrorists plots from Al-Qaeda supposed to happen on Canadian soil that have been foiled. We can act like we are "peace keepers and diplomats" but it as easy as fuck to take our liberties for granted when the US does all our dirty work. We stand for the exact same principles the US does.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I can understand that, but...I mean, it is just wrong.

We have done nothing to warrant the need to be 'attacked' by these insane meatbags of scum.

That's why they deserve to be put down like wild dogs.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
No one wants to admit it because it might 'hurt someone's feelings', but I don't give a fuck. Islam, muslims whatever you wanna call them - every country they're in, there's a war. Phillipines now, somewhere in Malaysia, all over Europe as they invade and bomb innocents for their 'rights', Tunesia, Egypt; the list goes on - everywhere. Call me whatever gay-ass name the media tells you, but it's truth.

So tired of hearing news anchors ask, "Why?". We fuckin know why.


I'm New Here
No. There have been several terrorists plots from Al-Qaeda supposed to happen on Canadian soil that have been foiled. We can act like we are "peace keepers and diplomats" but it as easy as fuck to take our liberties for granted when the US does all our dirty work. We stand for the exact same principles the US does.
No, we don't. Our rights and freedoms are fundamentally different than the USA's all based on the idea that equality does not create equity and in fact, equality frequently creates discriminatory practices.


I'm New Here
No one wants to admit it because it might 'hurt someone's feelings', but I don't give a fuck. Islam, muslims whatever you wanna call them - every country they're in, there's a war. Phillipines now, somewhere in Malaysia, all over Europe as they invade and bomb innocents for their 'rights', Tunesia, Egypt; the list goes on - everywhere. Call me whatever gay-ass name the media tells you, but it's truth.

So tired of hearing news anchors ask, "Why?". We fuckin know why.
We can learn from history that religion has absolutely nothing to do with stability.

In Egypt specifically the problem has nothing to do with religion. The military is unwilling to give up power and the citizens aren't happy with the way their government is representing them. The fact that one of the major political groups is called the Muslim Brotherhood is almost purely coincidental. Islam factors in about as much as Christianity does in the US, which is to say far more than it should but in name only. It's all an excuse for personal power grabs.


TD Admin | Bacon
haters just mad we be shot callers

no but real talk biop is right. The truth is that it is awesome to live in North America, we have it awesome. Most of the world sucks. Haters gonna hate and if they got problemz we got planes filled with freedom for them.


Staff member
equality frequently creates discriminatory practices.

Which is why justice is needed, but Biop is right Canada sucks at the teat of the states, just like everyone else.

In Egypt specifically the problem has nothing to do with religion. The military is unwilling to give up power and the citizens aren't happy with the way their government is representing them. The fact that one of the major political groups is called the Muslim Brotherhood is almost purely coincidental. Islam factors in about as much as Christianity does in the US, which is to say far more than it should but in name only. It's all an excuse for personal power grabs.

Yes and No,

Just like what's going on in the USA, one group of people is just MUCH more fundamentalist then the other.

The military wants to control is government.

Tick Tock Man

Senior TF2 Admin
Staff member
There are dynamics at play here that have little to do with the US and or Canada...

Terrorism is a military tactic used by small groups against a larger adversary, usually one better armed and organized - but the the use of terrorist propaganda is a means of social control. The roots of our current situation can be traced back to the decay and collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1919 - there have always been extremist groups on every major religion, and they do wait for the right social/political circumstances to press the advantage. The particular struggle we see now in Islam dates back to the succession of Muhhamed's heir - and not coincidentally the formation of the Sunni and Shia sects. The struggle is for control of the Islam, the targets are chosen for maximum political advantage - the narrative of the faithful fighting the infidel plays well in the hands of a skillful progagandist.

This is not to say that the foreign policy of the West hasn't contributed - indeed the US foreign policy of the last 50 years couldn't have been better suited to the rise of the terrorist groups if the Jihadis themselves had written the playbook - but it is not the cause - simply an accelerating factor. We have trouble dealing with these ideas because we mistakenly assume that we understand the purpose, and therefor the correct approach to dealing with terrorism. This conflict, like every conflict in history, boiled down to the essentials - is a struggle for dominance. This religion (like every religion IMHO) is little more than a means of economic and social control - the more of the fervently religious you can get behind you, the more powerful you are - the more you can be perceived to be advancing the religion, either by silencing your critics or engaging the "enemy" - the more solid your hold on your religious leadership.