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Death Magnetic

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Any fans of Metallica out there? I was a big fan back when they used to be good. I have been unable to stop listening to their new album "Death Magnetic".

I first thought Metallica, bah all their new music is garbage. Then I decided to give it a shot, man was I ever wrong!!!

Yah yah, an Arab listening to Metallica... while I shoot your face with my old friend, Mr. AK 47.


2012 Troll of the Year
I'm going to go see metallica and lamb of God on dec 5th, in Calgary.

I've seen metallica before, and man do they ever rock in RL (doens't even give them NEAR credit) but I'm really going for Lamb of God.

I love the new metallica album as well, and it shows that music knows no racial boundaries.

One love.


TD Admin

I'm going to go see metallica and lamb of God on dec 5th, in Calgary.

I've seen metallica before, and man do they ever rock in RL (doens't even give them NEAR credit) but I'm really going for Lamb of God.

I love the new metallica album as well, and it shows that music knows no racial boundaries.

One love.


I've seen metallica 3 times and I think 5 for lamb of god. the newer albums of BOTH bands were definitely crap. although i am with you abdul, the new metallica really caught me off guard. when it came out at first i was like, Fuck Metallica!. but eventually i heard it in a buddy's car then i had to napster that shit up lol. they are still gay for that whole fiasco but they can apparently still rock.

That sounds like quite a show leroy i hope you pwn some noobs in the pit for me! Last time i saw LOG was in Detroit and all the little american pussies felt my wrath. god i hate going to the states for a show! their weed is fuckin BUNK!


I'm New Here
i love metallica... and death magnetic although not being their best work...still beats st. anger therefore is a good album in my books


2012 Troll of the Year
Drugz, how can you not like sacrament!!!! man, I love old LoG and burn the priest, but sacrament blows my ass right off the map

Listen to the new Down? so so, some great, some crap..

on march teh saints.. good listen..


TD Admin
sacrement is OK. nothing like when ashes of the wake came out. i dunno i just expected more. couple great songs, but I watched the DVD that came with it and saw how half assed Randy was in writing the album. Everything on that album is amazing, except for the vocals.
RANT ALERT!!!!! (Lamb of God is a good band, though I am no longer and a listener. It just triggered a rant.)

LOG lost me at Ashes of the Wake... They (in my opinion) are an example of what is wrong with metal today. I don't mean they haven't put out some good fucking tunes... but I remember when this music wasn't so god damned over produced and boring.

(Again, this topic only triggered a sentiment I have carried for some time now, and this isn't an attack on previous posters in this thread)

Though they have reunited 4 years too late, At the Gates is back for the cash grab. In Flames (after effectively replacing ATG back when this music was RELEVANT) almost single-handedly re-ignited the metal scene before gayin' up. (Like LOG still a good band, but no longer within my musical palette.)

Quick note: I afford In Flames the same opinion as I do Metallica, as they have either created or revived a scene through dedication and great musicianship, so if they wanna gay it up they can go right ahead, I'll still be here if they ever come back.

Metal has become a mindless fuckfest of cash grabbing 'independent' labels and no talent fucks. And why is there a 'producer' in every fucking band these days. FUCK. Darkest Hour (The Sadist Nation) Shredding faces, until Kris Norris... now terrible. Unearth went from being THE go to band for a quick awesome fix, to being the worst trend following bunch of crap out of New Jersey. I never understood why Shadow's Fall was even allowed to record. It's been like 7000 years since the last Necrophagist album. Montreal showed some promise a few years back... but apparently the breakdowns and gravity blasts are still big business there.... Psyopus, fueled by sheer musical prowess and natural talent (referring to their guitarist, bassist and drummer) have all of a sudden (after two mind blowing albums) decided to smear shit on a CD and sell it. Arsis released probably one of the best metal album written in this decade in 2004... 'Celebration of Guilt' rekindled my love of thrash-inspired epic metal, but then they followed up that masterpiece by pulling a Hatebreed and repeating the same formula with weaker material three more times.

I understand the musical direction changes constantly as new forms of music emerge and there is a never-ending need to stay relevant in a rapidly developing scene; being a metal musician today is HARD, but I think more bands need to know when to just hang it up. Most of these bands are simply transients that should take their past success as a blessing and move on. Learn to quit while yer ahead... Take a page from Glenn Ljungstrom. I very highly doubt that LOG, Darkest Hour or any other band honestly feels the need in the 'cockles' of their soul two grace our ears with another 60 minutes of the same dry mundane shit. Here are some other trends that are pissing me off: The crossing over of these bands into the territory of better bands, effectively killing the new scene even faster.

If you were a metal core band a few years ago: become 'metal as fuck' and bring back those tried and true bullshit 80's thrash metal riffs. We haven't heard that before. Fucking assholes.

If you were a techincal or "grindcore" band two years ago: Try and sound like ever other wannabe death metal band out there today. Forget originality, just follow the curve and piss away your career.

However, much to my delight amidst all this tomfuckery Metallica pulls their collective heads out of their asses and starts putting real music on to a disc. Death Magnetic is awesome simply because it's honest. It sounds honest, and I wish I could hug those sexy mofos.

My love for metal hangs on a very select few bands, and if BTBAM hadn't released Colors or BTA released SkullGrid I might this very moment be a John Mayer fan. (Although that guy can write a fuckin' song.)

I apologize for the rant, but stress from these back to back exams are ravaging my browneye and I needed a release.

*hugz* TD

kerpees. Up in your mouth like jam n' jelly. booyah grandma.


TD Admin
lol keeripes, i hear ya man. too mainstream these days. thats why i moved on to bands that there is no fuckin way they will ever be able to go in that direction because they are just too fucking crazy. All shall Perish is my fav band right now, As Blood runs Black and beneath the massacre and Braindrill are some others.

Those bands keep it "hard as fuck" and will continue to do so because nobody in their right mind would ever listen to them if they werent a crazy bastard themselves. the only somewhat mainstream band i can stand even though they are *shudder* a "christian" metal band is As I Lay Dying. they fuckin wail and put on an amazing show.

anyhow, i dont think i can keep up with your ranting so ill just leave it at that. check out All Shall Perish tho they are somethin else.


2012 Troll of the Year
keeripes, I feel you. I don't agree with you, but you seem to know your metal

*devil horns*

Listen to the new down, over the under, on march the saints.. good shit..

don't get me wrong, I like my high flying technical metal, but sludge keeps the hate bright with me.


TD Admin
I saw down @ harpos in Detroit around 3 weeks ago. fuckin amazing show. they played for almost 3 hours.
Yeah, one should never rant whilst in a post exam coma at 1:30 am... I should probably have mentioned that my musical tastes are more in the experimental/progressive end of metal ranging from something fast and technical like Anomalous/Braindrill to a heavy and odder sounding Dillinger or Ion Dissonance (though no longer true, as the main source of ID's awesomeness left to pursue other avenues or creativity and the band has since 'transformed' ...fuck). I also quite enjoy rock/punk infused eclectic quasi-metal like the now-defunct I Hate Sally or Protest the Hero(Kezia)/Alexisonfire(first album). Of course I enjoy other bands like Beneath the Massacre, some Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Necrophagist and for a weirder spin on metal: I Wrestled A Bear Once. Check them out.. they are pretty decent, with a good sense of humor. I mention these on top of the usual metal list that most of us have.

I must also admit that my general malaise with the current state of metal has caused me to pay less attention to what is going on in the scene these days. After hearing tracks from the new PsyOpus album I was pretty much thrown into a barren wasteland void of hope. I mostly now just listen to Jazz or ambient music, or crossover experimental stuff like Behold, The Arctopus or Gordian Knot to keep me sane. (and Colors.. thank god for Paulie Waggoner)

I will look in to the new material from Down and I think I have already checked All Shall Perish a while back, but I will check 'em again.. see what's bangin'.

check these guys out for fun if you feel like it (or haven't already).

[link=http://www.myspace.com/iwrestledabearonce]I Wrestled A Bear Once[/link]
[link=http://www.myspace.com/beholdthearctopus]Behold, The Arctopus[/link]
[link=http://www.myspace.com/psyopus]PsyOpus[/link] The new stuff isn't bad... but listen to Insects (off the last album) ...much better
[link=http://www.myspace.com/ihatesally]I Hate Sally[/link] <<< Kingston based goodness.

EDIT: Noticed spelling error and added IHS link


TD Admin
LOL I walked through an abortion rally wearing a Dying Fetus T-shirt.
My buddy's band, [link=http://www.myspace.com/bloodshoteye]Bloodshoteye[/link] went on a canada-wide tour with them. they are fuckin crazy!!! saw them in Windsor and London. another band that i know a couple guys in is [link=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=27585927]Dismata[/link] they are damn good. form the sticks out in the county around my area. the singer is a scary fucker lemme tell ya.

[Edit] I saw Psyopus in Windsor earlier this year. they are a really odd style but they sound amazing live.


2012 Troll of the Year
Don't even get me STARTED on those anti-abortionist quacks. I swear to christ (hyuk) people are as dumb as shit.
Death Magnetic is awesome simply because it's honest. It sounds honest, and I wish I could hug those sexy mofos.

that's why i loved it ...

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King

Don't even get me STARTED on those anti-abortionist quacks. I swear to christ (hyuk) people are as dumb as shit.


ima troll this, after 40 days if you get an abortion your killing a baby....
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