okay, i think it's time to start it up
OG buckshot jr cuz i'm sitting on my chair with nothing to do >.>
you ready? I've got all of the thanksgiving weekend to work on this.
I think here's our list of priorities for now:
a) Set up the actual server.props and ensure everything is running smoothly.
b) Add in core plugins (block logging, block blacklist, NoLagg, Lockette etc.)
shoottomaim OG buckshot jr
c) Start up the spawn map and work on shops.
OG buckshot jr zackychuu shoottomaim Low Budget (?)
d) Portals.
zackychuu shoottomaim
e) Set up PVP world spawns.
zackychuu OG buckshot jr (if he's up for it)
f) Back up world, whitelist a couple of TD/regs and check to see if everythings' good.
g) Delete old world, replace with backups, double-check plugins and fix bugs.
shoottomaim OG buckshot jr
h) Advertise, set up donor perks, start up an opening event, and we're golden!
Sorry for the tags
. zack, if you don't want in let me know, but you'll still retain admin rank. TD admins will automatically get admin on this server (I'll have to add you in manually when you ask for it). If anyone else wants to help leave a reply in this thread c;
cocks out boys; it's time to get to business.