DARKLY Spycrab Group


TD Admin
Just recently (this morning) I started a spycrab group called DARKLY | Spycrab Giveaways.
With all the members doing many free mass spycrabs, I figured this would be a quick and easy way to inform people of upcoming events such as unusual crabs. Not only this, but it is now an easier way to advertise what you are willing to spycrab for against other players.
Doing so in the servers only limits you to getting your message out to people within the server.
I am trying to grow this group as big as possible in order to get a wide variety of players with different sized balls when it comes to spycrabbing, et cetera. In order to do this, I want to ask that members invite other people to join.

This is the link to the group if you didn't get an invite prior:

Feel free to join!