DARKLY Servers


DARKLY Regular
so.... why doesn't Darkly have any non-trade servers? might be nice to have a place to actually play with people from here. is it really necessary to have 4+ trade servers?


Staff member
Because we Ballin, so yes, we need all the trade servers you can get. When you Idle in TF2 you get items, so trade servers are normally idle servers as well.

We tried twice with a PayLoad map rotation, it wasn't populated most of the time.
I mean, yeah that would be fun to have competitive based darkly servers on top of our normal ones, but I think that would be up to Mr. Shotgun as to whether or not it would happen.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
It's not up to me. And there are probably many threads around asking this same question. As Cock said, whenever we have tried to have normal TF2 servers they soon fade. People ask for them, then those same people never play on them or try to get them going.

I think by now most regular TF2 players have found their homes.


DARKLY Regular
i cant help but notice how 2 or 3 of the trade servers are usually completely empty every time i'm on or check to see.


TD Admin / Wanker
They are usually active around American peak times.
For me, being in England, they are empty or have hardly anyone in for quite a while.
It's usually mid to late afternoon that more people start to join.
School is also in session in the US up until around 2:00 (Eastern), so whatever that translates to where you are, lots of high school, middle school, and college students have day classes and therefore just aren't on.