BANNED DARKLY | Rautasopuli []

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Senior TF2 Admin
| steamname: DARKLY | Rautasopuli []
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:45150650
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: [F2P] DARKLY | Devils Haze
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:26941887
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: xF |:. Tick Tock Man |eXeC|
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:6073670
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: Thanatos
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41522483
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: DARKLY | 14bux
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42947803
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: Handsome E. Buttocks!
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:31938694
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

Consulted with:
| steamname: TD| Zackychuu #PokemonX
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41862856
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

A few weeks ago, I found Rautasopuli asking for donations for a spy crabs, to give to Tick Tock Man when he does his mass spy crabs. I asked Rautasopuli not to accept donations, as he is not a Mod or an Admin. A few days later I caught him doing the same thing, and he told me Tick tock said he could. I talked to Tick Tock about it and he said it was DEFIANTLY not the case. After talking with zackychuu, he confirmed to me that Rauta is not allowed to and should not being doing this, especially after I've it multiple time not to. It also turns out he already has a caution tag on Steamrep. So, Zacky said I should start collecting evidence for a report.

My discussion with Tick about Rauta-

Again today, I caught him asking for donations again, and Thantos informed me that someone was claiming Rauta scammed him earlier in the day-

Rauta admitting hes not a mod/admin but claiming to be trusted by Admins/ mods-

Rauta Asking for Donations-



TD Member
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- is the one who was saying he was scammed, and sorry it was Icarus not Innercore he was complaining to.

This is an exerpt, I have cut out other people's trade chat:

{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : ah
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : well
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : i had a mutton chops
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : and he said he wanted it because he had a friend who liked to smoke out of the pipe
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : who came out of hospital
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : so what he did
Thanatos : And you believed him?
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : he gave me strange liberty launcher with gib kills + strange escape plan as pawn
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : and he would give me key
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : if he doesnt give me the key i still have profity
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : s escape plan is 1.33 and gib kill s liberty launcher is 3 ref
DARKLY | Icarus : so he said he'd give you the key?
DARKLY | Icarus : ok
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : yep
DARKLY | Icarus : I just needed the full sotry, that's all
DARKLY | Icarus : *story
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : why, are u some sort of admin? :
{|D.O.G|}Dispentry-[FF]- : :P
DARKLY | Icarus : no
DARKLY | Icarus : yo uasked me for help, that's all


TD Admin
I can attest to this even though I did not witness rauta this particular time, he has asked for donations in the past and I have messaged him personally numerous times telling him that he cannot accept donations. Not only that but he often asks to "borrow" metal/items from players in the server.

EDIT: Rautasopuli is a good guy in all, but something needs to be done about his excessive behavior.


Senior TF2 Admin
Can confirm this. Rautsa held a a crab contest right before the incident, presumably with donations he had asked for.


DARKLY Regular
I'm glad that this is finally being addressed. Tick Tock Man had mentioned that he was taking donations to me the other day, and I've been keeping an eye out. Raut (and his clique of friends that he has brought to the server) are people that I've been wary of ever since I first checked his steamrep. I have been on the server when he has claimed to be tight with the administrative staff, and I'm fairly certain that I've had to tell him that he isn't allowed to middleman a few times.
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