NEWS DARKLY Insurgency Servers [RIP]

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Its no secret that the pub life for Counterstrike is at an all time gay. How many cheaters you guys see in this crap? Do we need admins in there to rule mawfuckis? I'll get the game and give it the ol' spinny try.


DARKLY Regular
Like I said before, get AP ammo. Point and click on guys and they die. Automatic is bad news, too, unless you've tricked out your weapon with upgrades. The recoil is crazy in this game.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Hmm ive never thought it was bad unless im running around and not using my sights to shoot.

RL dude


TD Admin / Queerbécois
I just noticed I had this game in my library... I'm currently downloading it but I'm not even sure I'll be able to play. My GPU is seriously dying. bleh