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Darkly Dexter Fans


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
me no rike dexter. glee or gtfo :D jk

by Jupiter's cock, want SPARTACUS and SoA


TD Admin
i want spartacus to come back on the 2nd season was short and i hated the fact it was a prequel... i kno that actor playing spart, was dealing with cancer and thats why they did the prequel. SoA is coming soon right?


TD Admin | Bacon
SoA s4 and It's always sunny in Philadelphia s7 in a month!!! 2 best shows on TV!!

I LOVED dexter season one, but after season one I couldn't get into other seasons.. I felt like how can they match that story arc.. killin his bro


TD Admin
i feel its a better show than most of the garbage they throw on tv.... i hind myslf watching a lot of the history channel..... (loser)lol


Staff member
Dexter is fucking wicked, I've loved the story line so far, can't wait till it starts up again.


TD Admin
Dexter is awesome! I'll have to agree that season 1 was probably the best one, although their story lines so far have all be good.

Who here is looking forward to Fringe!?!?!?!!?


TD Admin (and LiR)
Narf ruined season 4 for about 75% of the TD population. Thanks narf...

Btw great show!


TD Admin
I still stand by what I did. I don't see what the problem is with me expressing my thought on the season finale a day or two after it aired. If all you bandwagon fans of Dexter really were fans, you would've watched it when it aired. I don't see what the problem is. I mean, people talk about the Stanley Cup game or the Superbowl game that very night or the next morning -- I don't see you going up to them and telling them to STFU because you planned on watching the recording of it after the fact. So instead of telling me I ruined season 4 for you, maybe you should go finish catching up on season 3 first.