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Hacking Faggot
Thanks Joe Scott.

-1 for being a nuisance on the forums
and -1 for being a pita on the server.

I banned you for 10 minutes a couple weeks ago because you were challenging Ice to see if he could ban you while being under the name "all".


.44 caliber

TD Admin
This guy is a supreme faggot.

Annoyed the shit outta me during Kismayo yesterday, being a Troll. Now he's doing it again on forums.

Piss off Cbear!


TD Admin
explains why he signed up as plep. lol. try again next time, this will be an even better read the 2nd time around


TD Admin
Thanks Joe Scott.
LOL! That's exactly what I thought when I read "take you to court"

...I banned you for 10 minutes a couple weeks ago because you were challenging Ice to see if he could ban you while being under the name "all"...
Wow, that shit's just not cool. And +1 to iCe for resisting temptation. I'm sure he had the command typed out and was just itching to hit Enter.
explains why he signed up as plep. lol. try again next time, this will be an even better read the 2nd time around

not even, i use plep for all my game names.
[quote1286393742=.44 CALiBER]
This guy is a supreme faggot.

Ive heard worse from my mother.


TD Member

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Can we just ban this pile of shit and be done with the whole thing?

Didn't know you had that much pull around here.
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