Damage and hit mod for CS...?


TD Member
Hey all,

I was just wondering if anyone else would be interested in having a mod on the Counter Strike servers that showed where you hit as well as damage. I don't know if adding a mod would slow down the server or anything. I find it's always nice to know where I hit to help with aim. I've been on other serves with it, and that helped me realize I think that I'm aiming a bit too low and I'm hitting the chest instead of the head on a lot of things. Or, if this is already there somewhere and I don't know it, let me know where it is. :)


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
the more mod u add, the shittier the server runs. lean ftw.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
he means that plugin that shows every single hit that u did every rnd, to each person. it writes it on screen at rnd end or death.


TD Admin
DamageReport. loved it! but im used to not playing with it anymore. they were really nice tho. the red laser was nice too but also unnecessary.


2012 Troll of the Year
It would be a good idea, I've just always found the game to be so random, IE enemy crouching behind a box, all I see is there head, and yet I get leg hits.


TD Member
Check your gameme stats page. It shows where your bullets hit.

definitely. besides, it doesn't really matter where your hits land, as long as it leads to a kill. that has nothing to do with looking at stats and all to do with paying attention to where you shoot and making sure you aren't throwing the aim off by moving which is pretty tough to avoid in CS but the key to precision shots.

you can also tell where you hit by damage report. there are three options: head, torso, and limbs. if your rifle shot did 30-40 dmg, it's a torso hit. if it's a kill-shot or almost then it was a headshot, and anything less was a tap in the limbs. you really don't need extra stats to figure that out for you.