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Dαññ¥'s BACK!


A Little Darkly
Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've talked to the forums. I've been recently playin a lot more CS:S since all the other games in the world are boring as all hell. What's everyone up to??

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Welcome back buddy! You're only playing CSS or do you have your eyes set on CSGO as well? We have a lot of popular CSGO servers :)


A Little Darkly
Welcome back buddy! You're only playing CSS or do you have your eyes set on CSGO as well? We have a lot of popular CSGO servers :)

ahhh I haven't played CSGO yet! I don't have the cash-ola for it just yet! Birthday's comin' up real soon. Prolly buy it for my bro as well :)