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Custom Skins

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Professional Cocksucker
So apparently you guys are abolishing the use of custom skins... i was wondering why so i did some research on different types of skins that are out there.

The lamest skins i found were ones where you could change the opacity of the walls, kind of like a map hack except undetectable (?). There were also ones that change the model's head color for easier headshots which is pretty lame too.

If what you guys intend to do with the skins will prevent any1 from using these then good job, otherwise why bother tampering with them?


Professional Cocksucker
What took so long to decide to implement them on td?

edit: is there any way to see whos using skins and which skins they are using? that way you can ban the ppl that are using them to gain unfair advantages since they dont get caught by vac and what not.


TD Admin
its a retarded move imo. not alot of people use them to begin with, and those who use sorely unfair skins i doubt come around often at all. oh well, i guess it's 'good-bye' to my chewie skins.


TD Admin
I have often wondered if using a bright ( neon type ) of skin is even available ... if it is ... it certainly would give an enormous advantage to whoever uses it. I agree ... set the skins to normal ... long overdue... just takes one more variable out of the equation.

vinny paz

TD Admin
its a retarded move imo. not alot of people use them to begin with, and those who use sorely unfair skins i doubt come around often at all. oh well, i guess it's 'good-bye' to my chewie skins.




Staff member
Far as i know shortbus there is no way to check skins, =\
The subject just never came up.

Weapons skins will still be available.


TD Member
wow weapon skin...I dindt know that existed LOL
make all my weapons in futurisitc weapons would be cool LoL


TD Admin
wow weapon skin...I dindt know that existed LOL
make all my weapons in futurisitc weapons would be cool LoL

i use a red double-sided lightsaber instead of a knife.


TD Member
hahahaha Nice no with knife it would be funny if you jsut turn it into a stick and stab someone with a stick LOL and he dies.

or turn it into a dildo and you stab him with it and he dies LOL
HAHAHA EPIC, I jsut found the skin for that...LOL


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
hahahaha Nice no with knife it would be funny if you jsut turn it into a stick and stab someone with a stick LOL and he dies.

or turn it into a dildo and you stab him with it and he dies LOL
HAHAHA EPIC, I jsut found the skin for that...LOL

ive seen purple dildo knife skin before. all my skins are pretty much the same skins redone in much better detail. my m4 will make u cry.

para -> minigun !?


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
fuck all gun skins... there was a time when I preferred them, but whats wrong with the normal old skins?


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
fuck all gun skins... there was a time when I preferred them, but whats wrong with the normal old skins?
they look like N64 graphics


TD Member
I apologize to the people who use fun or cool skins to make the game seem better, but it had to be done to prevent people from gaining an advantage. Bright skins are better than any hack out there, and impossible to VAC. I suspect we will see a few peoples KD ratios go down shortly.


TD Member
well is the no skin thing in effect right now?
if it is, will it also affect weapon skins? coz...althoug i only got it today, My salmon slap instead of knife is making me laugh LoL


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i think we are only doing model skins, not guns. i hope...


TD Admin
wow weapon skin...I dindt know that existed LOL
make all my weapons in futurisitc weapons would be cool LoL

i use a red double-sided lightsaber instead of a knife.

I use a hammer :D


TD Admin
fuck all gun skins... there was a time when I preferred them, but whats wrong with the normal old skins?

they look like shit ...


TD Member
We are only doing play skins, player sounds and map materials, custom weapons and custom weapon sounds are ok.
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